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Jam Cruise 8
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259 posts
May 01, 2009
1:57 PM
JUST ANNOUCED!! JJ Grey & MOFRO on Jamcruise!

The public on-sale for cabins is Thursday June 4 at 12:00pm ET.
Info is available at: Jamcruise 8


The Word feat John Medeski, North Mississippi Allstars, Robert Randolph
Zappa plays Zappa
Karl Denson's Tiny Universe
Maceo Parker
Dark Star Orchestra
JJ Grey & Mofro
Railroad Earth
Steve Kimock's Crazy Engine
Fantastic 4 feat. Robert Walter, Adam Deitch, Eric Krasno & Cheme Gastelum)
Toubab Krewe
Eric Krasno & Chapter 2
The Motet plays the Talking Heads
Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue
Hot Buttered Rum
John Brown's Body
Kyle Hollingsworth & Friends
Mike Dillon's Go Go Jungle
The Mother Hips
Break Science feat. Adam Deitch
Dragon Smoke feat. Robert Mecurio, Ivan Neviile, Stanton Moore & Eric Lindell
Johnny Sketch & The Dirty Notes
George Porter Jr's Super Jam
DJ Logic
Pretty Lights
Special Guests:
Col Bruce Hampton
Will Bernard

"Now if you happened to come down here tonight...and you don't wanna hear the person next to you sang, and you don't want'em to dance, cause you might spill your drink, you came to the wrong show in the wrong venue."

Last Edited by on May 01, 2009 4:27 PM
231 posts
May 01, 2009
2:17 PM
Holy sh*t- I have been waiting for a good reason for me & Joe to hit that cruise...

But I'm also thinking I wonder if they will have some Florida dates beforehand....would love to do Skippers again...
decisions, decisions...

~Music is what feelings sound like~
419 posts
May 01, 2009
3:21 PM
OH HELL YEAH! FireFly and I are already pre-booked!
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
1543 posts
May 01, 2009
3:53 PM
I just got a text from Firefly. She's at Jazzfest handing out flyers for the cruise. She said she's gonna make an outer space transmission and call in some alien life forms to kick ass if we ain't got a whole crew of us from the fansite going.

And you know? I believe her.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
232 posts
May 01, 2009
5:45 PM
that would be a blast if everyone went
~Music is what feelings sound like~
15 posts
May 01, 2009
5:53 PM
you beat me to it eric!!! I was gonna post this.. I had a cabin the first year and gave it up , what a dumbass!! just think of the collaboration between bands in such an intimate setting. I am not missing this one!! start saving your mula!!!
326 posts
May 02, 2009
4:27 AM
Too much money for the 5 or 6 bands on the list that I'd care to see. Would much rather be at Jazz Fest in NOLA!!!

any groove is reason to move

Last Edited by on May 02, 2009 4:27 AM
783 posts
May 02, 2009
1:03 PM
Wow! I need to book tix! I think I'll join y'all! I hope firefly doesn't get that boat sold out before I get my reservation....
It's a Big Easy life.
494 posts
May 02, 2009
2:17 PM
hey stan , its like nola jazzfest but you can go to your room anytime you need without taking a cab!!

I'M GOIN !!! who's in?

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
330 posts
May 02, 2009
3:47 PM
Yeah, but the lineup isn't even close to what you get to see at Fest during the day and the late night shows in NOLA!!!

any groove is reason to move
85 posts
May 04, 2009
6:50 AM
Really thinking about hitting this with a group of friends. If you split a cabin a couple ways it's really not that bad, plus remember you are on a cruise and the bands will be there with you!!??
1548 posts
May 05, 2009
7:22 AM
Don't knock it if ya ain't tried it! Firefly doesn't do justice to it (her being an alien and all, her english skills...well...y'all know). Typically each band will play several times in diff venues around the ship.

Plus the sit-ins are incredible. When a band ain't playing their guys will wander off and sit in with somebody. So you might go to see Toubab and Dennis will be up there, or Art and AC will each be playing sax with Galactic, or JJ will be on stage with The Word, and on and on. If you're into live music--especially jam bands--it's goddam near orgasmic. (Notice I said NEAR; after all, there ain't nothing as orgasmic as an...well...you know...)

We're going. It will be our 4th music cruise in as many years (although our first Jam Cruise). We're gonna have to rob a bank or sell our cars cause we can't afford it, but between the lineup and being able to party with Firefly and Ashley and Giggles and anyone else here that decides to go is just too good to pass up.

Do it briggzz! You know you can do a quad even cheaper, I think. Anybody going as a single can go on their message board, if they want, and converse with others that are looking to get a quad to save money.
"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on May 05, 2009 7:23 AM
87 posts
May 05, 2009
8:11 AM
Been talking with a guy I work with that went on JC7 and he said it was the time of his life, so that pretty much sold me on it. That and the many many fantastic stories he had to tell. So you can pretty much count me in as part of the party crew!
421 posts
May 05, 2009
8:33 AM
Clay, I hear kidneys are very valuable on the black market, you could probably fetch 25 k for your spare one! That will surely fund your cruise as well as cover the bar tab for our motely crew :p

I can not wait! Though I fear I will need to be constantly fitted with a life jacket, I wouldn't to fall off the ship while doing my Jack interpretation and bellowing "I'm King of the World"

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
1552 posts
May 05, 2009
8:33 AM
ALL RIGHT! The party is getting bigger. Your co-worker is dead on...these things are a very unique experience that you'll never forget.

(Like the one I was on this year when I had to go to the ship's doc with severe pain in my gut and go to a Mexican hospital for an MRI...yep, an experience I'll never forget!)

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
345 posts
May 05, 2009
10:08 AM
Sounds like a dream.....I will have to live the expierence vicariously through all of you.......... :o(

during Ho Cakes 3-28-09 - “That’s what this song is all about......best, best beans ever, I loved em, & it was also transmitted to me by a serious food critic that I know is right….spicey!........I like smoked mullet, hush puppies & grits……………”
335 posts
May 05, 2009
10:26 AM
All you fine folks that do decide to do Jam Cruise this year, save your money afterwards and do Jazz Fest next year and see which is better......I already know!

Not to mention......you get sea sick on the boat....whatcha gonna do? Chum the water, that's what. Dramamine doesn't work for everybody!!

any groove is reason to move

Last Edited by on May 05, 2009 11:21 AM
496 posts
May 05, 2009
3:32 PM
stan you don't know unless you've done it.
now I have done both , and both are great.
of course nothing beats new orleans jazzfest, i have been going since '01.
everything about me and why I follow music started because of that.
as I can be as skeptical as anybody in this world but I like to give everything a try.
I have been wanting to go and try out jamcruise for a couple of years now.
so here's my opinion:
it's like jazzfest but on a boat, it's like halloween&mardi gras on new years eve and than you find out that all your favorite bands are stayin in the same hotel as you are. so you gonna run into them EVERYwhere.
as it is usually at shows , you are in front of the stage and the band has their backstage, so you never interact unless they're performing. on jamcruise all this blends together.
the artist are having as much as fun as you are, they will be standing right next to you watching somebody's set, lean over to you and say" wow this guitarplayer is good", or run into them at the buffetline, discussing french fries qualities with skerik,play with marco's daughter ruby at the pool, have a talk about glitter with michael franti in the elevator, or watch the sunrise with scott tournet.
you gotta know that while youare on vacation, so are the musicians
the only time you are allowed to act like a fan is the 2 times the jamcruise have set aside on 2 separate days, where they have a designated place and time for pics and postersignings.

you will have the same good time when you go to new orleans , and nothing beats the venues there.
instead having to drive all over ,or walk or etc, on the boat you just simply walk to the next stage.
at the end of all shows every night, who ever is still standing will cramp into the jamroom, which goes until 6am, and you never knows what kind of crazy collaberations will happen there.
and how much you wanna party is up to you
, I hang out with lots of people that don't drink on the boat, for either personal ,medical or financial reasons, some don't wanna miss any music by being to drunk, than there are others that are drunk the whole entire time, you usually find them in the morning by the poolbar, still up from the night before, catching the sunrise.
you don't have to worry about your keys,wallet or cellphone.
phones don't work and all you need with you is your roomkey, which you use at the bar

nothing is like the music, the musicians, the food and the venues in new orleans
and nothing is like the carefree, worryfree party on jamcruise

if I won't go to anything else all year, you will find me at both places

jazzfest & jamcruise

jeez, I don't really spend too much time tryin to convince people to do something, I never understood why folks in this country need so much convincing.
life's short.
I can get sick or somehting could happen to me anyhere or anytime.

it would be awesome to party with all/some of you in either places!!!!

P.S BTW everybody was 'smoking' out on sea !
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
5 posts
May 05, 2009
3:44 PM
Oh man this is all to tempting !! What to tell the kids, Hey I know, "Dear Kids, after much thought and consideration, hard work, effort, time and a bucket load of money, your mother and I have decided that after ten long, good, not always easy years, to retire. You will be put in the hands of loving grandmothers, uncles, aunts, friends, and whomever else may have the courage to take over the reins. e will be starting or retirement immediately on the first day of "Jamruise 8 ", and who knows where else. Best wishes in the future, all the success in the world, be nice, don't fight, change your underwear, brush your teeth, and be kind to others. "
Love Mom and Dad
497 posts
May 05, 2009
3:50 PM

take them with you!
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
1553 posts
May 05, 2009
4:07 PM
Firefly honey, I could not have said it better myself.

Okay I could've said it in more human bean language than whatever it is they speak on your native planet, but the sentiments I could not have said better!

Richard, that's some funny shit. I dunno about the Jam Cruise but on the other music cruises they actually have kids activities and programs and babysitting. You'd be surprised at the number of people that bring their kids (especially on the more "calm" cruises.)

Staaaaaan...dramamine is soooo old school. The trophy wife gets a script from her doc for the little patch goes behind your ear. I go the au naturale route and take a ginger supplement twice a day (dem cats on Mythbusters determined this to be the best defense against seasickness.) Ain't neither of us got sick; most people don't because they're prepared. You see a lot of them patches when your standing up close to people behind 'em.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on May 05, 2009 4:08 PM
424 posts
May 05, 2009
4:44 PM
I went on the Dave & Friends Caribbean Cruise in '06 and I can honestly say that they were four of the best days of my life, I had an absolute blast. Something magical occurs when people gather around the common theme of music and the pursuit of good times, turning every moment into an unforgettable experience =)

Oh and if you should see this sign posted throughout the Jam Cruise 8 ship, I had absolutely nothing to do with it!

(Much love & respect for JJ, no offense intended)

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue

Last Edited by on May 05, 2009 9:16 PM
498 posts
May 05, 2009
4:53 PM
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
1557 posts
May 05, 2009
5:15 PM
Giggles. I think you are the only person on the whole board that can leave me absolutely speechless.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
7 posts
May 05, 2009
7:33 PM
Mofrofans 1,

First off, this is a kick butt site, thanks for all of the hard work. Second, but maybe it should be first, have you seen the photos of the previous cruises...I bet your swamp rockin' butt has, and probably took some of thes photos. I don't see "Kid Friendly" anywhere, hell if I am goin to trip over something it will be over somebody else's slightly tanked wife's flipflops, instead of my youngest stopping dead in his tracks, to figure out what happened to his keycard, thus causing my drink of choice to go toppling all over the back and head of my oldest, as he stops to ridicuel his little brother for not paying close attention to the hole in his pocket that allowed for the key card to fall out of. And what muscian in their right mind wants to hear me loudly proclaim my religious faith when I call our our lord and savior "Jesus Christ" when I ask the youngest, "Why did you wer those shorts, if you knew there was a hole in the pocket ?" And then to announce to the entire audiance about my connection to God and his dam. I might just want to save those moments for when the really are needed and count the most, at home behind the closed doors of my own sanctuary of hell. No, not really, I have a couple of great kids, been on just one cruise with the family, and another with just the wife. Had plans to do another short crusie this fall with my wife, sans kids, but that has all been changed up a bit. So, who knows? But really, bring the kids on this cruise.... and do what with them.......offer them up for a sacrificial offering to the Blues Gods ?
8 posts
May 05, 2009
7:38 PM
Ok, one more then I gotta go grill some dinner for the wife who just finished up her shift as an RN, and if Iwant to celebrate Cinco de Mayo sans kids who are at Grandma's who helps out when we both work early, well here it is, check this out. I met this kid on 4/20/09 while at a harmonica clinic put on by Lee Oskar himself. This kid is 11, and went a Blues Cruise last year I believe. Anyways, check him out.

426 posts
May 05, 2009
7:43 PM
Richard, I think lanyards will solve your problem. No lost keycards with those handy dandy little plastic sleeves:)
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
349 posts
May 06, 2009
8:23 AM
Ms. Fly - you shure do paint a purty peechure!!

Yes, the patches work wonders, used them on a 5 day dive trip in Belize. Jest beware that they make ya thirsty and you can have very vivid dreams.

Richard - you are a great story teller.
during Ho Cakes 3-28-09 - “That’s what this song is all about......best, best beans ever, I loved em, & it was also transmitted to me by a serious food critic that I know is right….spicey!........I like smoked mullet, hush puppies & grits……………”
17 posts
May 06, 2009
6:24 PM
Sunshine, thanks for the short and to the point compliment. There are stories,there is bullsh_ting, and there are lies. I have never had use for lying, storytelling I can do, and bullsh_iting in the sense of talking untill the listners heads explode, well that must be a genetic trait, gift or disfunction. I have been told many times that I should chase that dream.... to write, I once told a "Language Arts teacher, after reading "The Catcher in the Rye", that Iwas going to write a book. Also, and I am not proud of this, screwed off so much in Jr. Highschool, and then Sr. Highschool, that I had to go to Summer School, where I even flunked that, because I found other things to do, and had to make it up the following school year, in "Language Arts". I enjoy puting it all down on paper, and getting a reaction, be it a laugh, a sigh, a tear, a pause, or a goad of a reaction. Maybe, just maybe that's why JJ's music/lyrics hit home, and or stike a chord with my heart, it's the storytelling that is pure, honest, gritty, soulful, and down right spot on.

Be Good.
271 posts
May 06, 2009
8:20 PM
I ain't near rich enough to even think about Jam Cruise. It looks like a good time for sure, but goddamn y'all the cheapest rate is $799.00 per person in a quad room!? In my opinion it ain't worth it.

NOW if we were booking a private boat, for members of this fansite, and multiple MOFRO shows with guest sit ins, I'd be interested.

I'm with Stan, save your dough & have a righteous JAZZFEST experience.

"throwin' pennies on the tracks and playin' in the rain...oblivious of the world around us that was going insane"
1563 posts
May 06, 2009
8:51 PM
I agree with you on the private boat JohnDude. That would be the ultimate. Disagree with you on the Jamcruise though; rich ain't got nuthin to do with it. We're poor. We're just gonna be poorer. We figured out over the last couple days how to save enough to pay for it. (Can you say b-r-i-n-k-s?) Hell, I ain't planning on leaving this earth with anything left over and I figure my trophy wife is young enuf to find her somebody with a bank account and the cats can fend for theirselves.

I dunno, gas to NOrleans, and this bad back has to sleep in a proper bed so I gotta get a hotel and I ain't gonna get one 15 miles away, I want something relatively close to the action. Whazzat, couple hundred a night? Plus meals (which are included on the cruise), transportation, etc. and I ain't seeing a whole lotta difference. The cruise also doubles as a weeklong vacation. Yeah, it's all about the music but it's also a damned nice cruise ship with all that comes along with it. Plus I can't do a zip line thru the jungles of NOrleans like I can in Ocho Rios nor can I fish/dive/snorkel/boat/submarine the world renowned reefs of Grand Cayman.

If there were no JJ Grey & Mofro on the cruise, no doubt we wouldn't be going though. It's gonna be awesome.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on May 06, 2009 8:54 PM
430 posts
May 06, 2009
9:05 PM
Did you say zip line and jungle? Man, oh man, not that I was undecided about this cruise, but the opportunity to careen through a primevel forest like She-lana of the Jungle is just too much for me to pass up!
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
1564 posts
May 06, 2009
9:08 PM
I got pitchers

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
1565 posts
May 07, 2009
9:24 AM
I failed to say in my post last night what's most important...you do your thing, I do my thing, he does his thing, she does her thing, it's ALL a beautiful thing and what makes our world spin. If we were all alike it'd be a dreadfully boring planet and FireFly would rocket back to hers. One thing we DO all have in common is a undying love of JJ Grey & Mofro, no doubt.


"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
73 posts
May 07, 2009
9:39 AM
Amen Pastor Clay. Well said.

"I am hopeful for where I'm going, but I belong in the South."
351 posts
May 07, 2009
9:43 AM

And how bout a toast to Clayman for making it all possible for us to converge and share our love for this band and other interests we have! And many of us have had the pleasure of meeting each other, and the delayed gratification of future meetings, and for without Mr. D, it would not be possible......

Enjoy today, for tomorrow it is gone.........

My Sunrise Today!

during Ho Cakes 3-28-09 - “That’s what this song is all about......best, best beans ever, I loved em, & it was also transmitted to me by a serious food critic that I know is right….spicey!........I like smoked mullet, hush puppies & grits……………”
500 posts
May 07, 2009
4:25 PM
you don't have to be rich to enjoy life , you just have to be smart about money.
if you want something bad enough , you save for it.
you can buy whatever you want but there's no pricetag on memories, and that is what I'm leaving this world with, and nothing else.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
353 posts
May 07, 2009
4:55 PM
I strive every day, and some days it is harder then others, to absorb everything that makes me feel good about what I am doing at that moment.......
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
1566 posts
May 07, 2009
6:51 PM
AHA! I finally have a response to giggles little sign above. Sunshine's latest post was my inspiration. (My own version of a scramlets.)

Giggles strives every day, and some days am doing at it, to feel and absorb some harder is good about what moment others are doing that.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
355 posts
May 08, 2009
5:07 AM
ha ha............I think I get it Clay..LOL
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
431 posts
May 08, 2009
7:26 AM
For a minute there Clay, I thought you had been abducted by FireFly's mothership and had a language scrambler implanted, but then I realized you just jumbled Sunshine's post! See, my college edu-macation has done me some good :p
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
1568 posts
May 08, 2009
7:33 AM
...either that or I had tripped the light fantastic...

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
432 posts
May 08, 2009
11:27 AM
I never would've taken you for a Mel Torme fan Clay:p

"East Side, West Side, all around the town
The kids sang "ring around rosie", "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
We tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York"

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue

Last Edited by on May 08, 2009 11:29 AM
1575 posts
May 08, 2009
12:57 PM
That's good. LMAO!!

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on May 10, 2009 10:07 PM
373 posts
May 08, 2009
1:27 PM
that made me laugh out loud!! what kinda jam or is it jelly... ha ha ha
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"

Last Edited by on May 10, 2009 10:07 PM
1579 posts
May 10, 2009
10:17 PM
I growed up about 125 miles SW of where JJ did, in a small town (although not as small as JJ's.) I had never heard of "...ass like an army mule..." until the first time I heard 'On Fire'. But we had an expression that conveyed pretty much the exact sentiment and Sunshine's response above made me tell y'all. But instead of saying ass like an army mule we were more subtle; we'd say:

"Hoooeeey...that must be jelly cause jam don't shake like that."

(Holy shit has this thread taken a 90 degree turn and then hung a left or what? It's out somewhere near FireFly's planet.)
"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on May 10, 2009 10:18 PM
17 posts
May 13, 2009
8:25 AM
Clay I notice that you metnioned finding a hotel room. well I jsut want to offer everyone my services, I work in travel and often get really good deals. I normally just do weekly stays in condos and special events are often already booked, however keep me in mind everyone for some incredible deals. There is left over inventory that has not rented for $399 for an entire week!!! no strings attached, just hit me up. awynkoop@cfl.rr.com or 321-728-9609.
That's worlwide by the way folks.. would be glad to help pass on the savings.
406 posts
May 13, 2009
8:31 AM
all over the country? what a generous offer, I will keep ya in mind........anything on the beach anywhere??
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
1603 posts
May 13, 2009
4:40 PM
Damn morena, that's awesome. We usually just need something for a night or 2 when we go to a Mofro show; I'll spend at least a couple hours looking online for the best rate/location and making sure they clean their rooms more than once a month.

What about for the Summer Snook Jam in Boca next month? Need 2 nights there. Or maybe we get enough people to rent a suite or cottage or something for a couple nights.

Do you have a logo or anything Morena? I'd be happy to place it where people can see it. Same goes for any of you that have a business that you'd like to promote.

"I've bought houses in less time than it takes for a woman to shop for a skirt and blouse."
~Lewis Grizzard
796 posts
May 13, 2009
9:09 PM
I'm having second thoughts about Jam Cruise.... I'll have to ponder it a bit. Anyone know how quickly it usually sells out? I'd like a few months to think about it.

It's a Big Easy life.

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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.