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The 2008 MOFRO Summer SwampFunk & Orange Blossoms Tour Foto Contest WINNERS!

The votes have been tabulated, recounts have been done, recounts of recounts have been done, no hanging chads have been found, no ballots are known to be lost, no attorneys were involved, and the Supreme Court could give a shit.

But we do, and the winners of the cool Mofro schwag shore do!

And the winners are:

#1 from Karla Perkins of Waynesville, NC took the winning pic at the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta in Oct. She won with 382 votes


#2 from 'antsyashley' with 153 votes


 #3 from 'jenschrader' with 115 votes


Wanna see what the winners won? Sure you do!

Here are the top 10 winners (in order from l-r)

THANK YOU to everyone who participated and voted. This was our first contest and I really appreciate all of the entries and the participation. Watch out in '09 for more contests!






The poll closed on Dec 5, 2008.  The judging criteria was whatever the hell you want it to be. Some people are right-brain, others left-brain, everybody's got different ways of looking at things. Some people will judge based on facial expression(s), others on focus and clarity, others still on composition or lighting, others still on whether it's close-up on JJ or pulled back showing the whole band, while others will simply have just the "right feeling" for a particular photo.  The main element of the judging criteria is that you select what you consider to be your favorite pic (or pick.)  Questions? Holler out here

NOTE: THE ORDER OF THE PHOTO ENTRIES AND THE POLL ENTRY NUMBERS WILL CHANGE FREQUENTLY SO THAT NO ONE HAS THE ADVANTAGE OF BEING FIRST ALL THE TIME. The final 3 winners will be determined by vote total: the 1st place prize being awarded to the pic with the highest number of votes, 2nd place to 2nd highest votes, and 3rd the 3rd highest votes.  Let's reserve the right to change that.  If we get several that are very close in vote totals, we may want to have a run-off to select the final 3. You can check out the prizes here. (Want to vote for yourself? Ain't no rules aggin that. I would.)   poll by twiigs.com
Another note: This website is owned and operated in Florida.  You know what that means. The voting will automatically be fucked up.  Nothing to do with me or you.  It's Florida.  It happens; all the time.  So, figure on after the voting is done that lawyers will descend like locusts to dispute the balloting process.  Tempers will be flared.  Harsh words will be exchanged.  Lawsuits will be filed.  Courthouse antics will ensue. The Supreme Court will have to step in and decide. 


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Site posting and rules  © Copyright 2008-2021 mofrofans.com and its assigns and entities; Worldwide Rights Reserved.  This website is protected by U.S. and international laws regarding copyright protection, including site design, text, and all images.   All photographs are property of this website and its assigns and entities and are copyrighted by JJ Grey and Mofro.  They cannot be used without express permission.  No permission will be granted for photo rights for commercial purposes.  The photos on this site are expressly for recreational use.  This site is not affiliated in any way with JJ Grey & Mofro, Alligator Records, Fog City Records, Madison House Management, JJ Grey, Mofro Productions Inc,, or any other entity.  All information on this site is known to be correct but site owner makes no guarantees. The information is gathered and presented to the best of our ability but may not be accurate.  We do our best to present this as a bona-fide fan site, not a gossip site.