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NYE Webcast
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132 posts
Dec 04, 2009
5:51 AM
Yo Clay,

Any word on a webcast from the Freebird this year? It worked out really well last year. Who needs Time Square when you can get a little Front Porch Soul?
1640 posts
Dec 04, 2009
6:58 AM
Hey Mr. Cracka!!

I sure hope they do the webcast like last year, that was GREAT!! My brother was visiting and we all watched it together. It was also the very first time I "spoke" with Giggles!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2879 posts
Dec 04, 2009
7:40 AM
Looks like it's on y'all! But I don't know for sure. I sniffed around SyncLive and they don't have this year's upcoming show listed anywhere. But I DID find where it shows Snarky Puppy's show at the Freebird on NYE's. It shows it being an hour long broadcast starting at 10. Me thinks they just don't have the Mofro show up yet. I can't imagine they're going to set up their equipment to only bring us the opener.

Here's last year's for anyone who missed it. It's the same format as when they stream it live.

Watch this show and more at SyncLive.com

Last Edited by on Dec 07, 2009 8:40 AM
2903 posts
Dec 07, 2009
8:40 AM
If'n anyone wants to grab the bull by the horns and email Synchlive and see what you can find out, I won't stop ya!
134 posts
Dec 07, 2009
9:49 AM
I just emailed Synchlive to see if they are doing the webcast. I told them to bill all of the expenses to you and Sunshine.

I will let you know as soon as I get a response.
2904 posts
Dec 07, 2009
10:13 AM
Cool, thanks dude. Sunshine said she was picking up the whole tab, btw.
1647 posts
Dec 07, 2009
12:26 PM
....when did I say that? If you can prove it, it will be done......
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2909 posts
Dec 08, 2009
6:52 AM
Well KL, it'd be more fun if you and Joe were gonna be there to party with us but we'll be with you in spirit. (And you too Sunny, but try not to get too drunk.)
1651 posts
Dec 08, 2009
1:05 PM
Mr. D I never.............well, rarely......umm...sometimes on an occasion....but never drunk, I like to call it a cool buzz...

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2913 posts
Dec 08, 2009
4:29 PM
Yeah, I know but it's fun to give you a hard time...!
418 posts
Dec 08, 2009
8:42 PM
I know Clayster..wish we could. Joe's vacation starts Jan. 1- but hes takin off then for a 14 day deep sea trip....
If I could bring my dog...I would be there in a heartbeat.

I'll just have to watch via the web...like last year... (at least I think I watched it last year?? ha ha)
~Music is what feelings sound like~
74 posts
Dec 10, 2009
7:48 AM
I sure hope they cast it because I'll have my son that night so I'll need something to do after he goes to sleep.
Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
1655 posts
Dec 12, 2009
2:11 PM
Tell you what hhfan, I watch my first webcast show for Mofro's last NYE show, it was amazing!! I swear to you I walked away with that "fresh from a concert" high and Gregg & I talked about the show afterwards as if we were just there in person.

We watched it on Gregg's puter screen and being he doodles pics for a living, he has a good sized screen, still not sure why he said he needed those killer speakers....... :o)

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2976 posts
Dec 15, 2009
8:32 AM
Being the impatient sumbitch I am, I called Synchlive a few minutes ago. Dude there I talked with was real helpful and patient as he explained how it works and I had to ask him to say it all again cause it didn't sink in.

(Sidenote: the guy's (first) name is Vietnam. Unusual in a very cool way.)

There's a permanent webcam at Freebird. The band has to go into their account on Synchlive and put the show up as an upcoming show--which is also where you'll go to watch the show. Once that's done, you can tune in for Snarky Puppy's set, then the webcam will just keep running after after their set and right on thru Mofro's. (Although come to think of it you may have to switch to the Mofro show.)

Since it's not there, Vietnam suggested that it's one of two things: a) band mgt decided not to webcast it this year; or b) it slipped thru the cracks and no one from mgt has gone onto to Synchlive to list it.

I'm going with b. They're busy. I think it just fell thru the cracks. Vietnam said he's going to contact someone he knows that is in contact often with the band. I'm going to email management. So hopefully in the next couple days we'll know what's happening.

Last Edited by on Dec 15, 2009 8:35 AM
2981 posts
Dec 15, 2009
9:59 AM
Just heard back from JJ's manager and NYE webcast is on!!

At this time they only plan to do that nite but I put the proverbial bug in his ear about the other 2.
1667 posts
Dec 15, 2009
10:58 AM
Rock on Mr. D!!!!!!!!!!


what time dew y'all think they will come on, 10-10:30 ish??
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
135 posts
Dec 15, 2009
12:29 PM
My NYE plans are now set. A good, strong drink and some front porch soul via webcast. Roll blackwater roll.

Maybe we should make sure JJ gets the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne this year. Remember last year when he just hummed it? Then again, that might have been due to consumption. I do remember him saying that he would need a ride home that night.
2982 posts
Dec 15, 2009
12:38 PM
Yeah he was feeling alright for sure. Last year they didn't go on until closer to 11:30. This year, Synchlive indicates Snarky Puppy going on for a one hour set at 10. That would mean Mofro's going on at 11:30-11:40ish.

They usually play 2 1/2 hr sets at the Freebird and go til 1:30 or 2:00. (At least that's been my experience, as I recall, which isn't saying a whole helluva lot.)

As for nights 2 and 3, the latest update is that it is highly doubtful they'll be webcast. Soooooo... on Jan 1 them's ain't going to the show can watch the Sugar Bowl instead and see the Gators trounce Cincinatti!
2983 posts
Dec 15, 2009
12:41 PM
We could do the setlist pool thing like we did for the Ybor City show if enuf people are interested. It's rare we can do something like that and everyone can see it live and see where they stand in real time.

Sound off...
1672 posts
Dec 15, 2009
4:52 PM
....one ...two...

this will be so ultimately cool to awl be in the chat room too!! :o}

whatcha gonna drink the TNC?? I might dew pomegrante martinis or maybe oatmeal cookies - them are strong and sweet.....maybe the special bottle of Zin I have been saving.........decisions decisions, and it is only, what, a week and a half away!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2989 posts
Dec 15, 2009
5:20 PM
Somebody handed me an oatmeal cookie a couple months back. It was good. But a few minutes later I got really hungry and acting silly and shit and then my mouth got reeeeall dry. Must've been the oatmeal.

Yes...I were gonna remind y'all about the chat room, thanks Sunny.

UPDATE: as of late this afternoon there is a chance that the second and third nights will be webcast. Stay tuned.
1682 posts
Dec 15, 2009
5:24 PM
whhooo hooooo!!!!!!!!

oatmeal cookies are dangerous, take in moderation

you are welcome!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
3005 posts
Dec 16, 2009
6:46 PM
In case anyone missed the other thread, all 3 nites will be webcast live. If you ain't got one already, you need an id and password to watch it so be sure and get 'er done ahead of time.
136 posts
Dec 17, 2009
6:41 AM
Sunshine, you are already planning your drink menu? Damn, that's impressive. What is an oatmeal cookie, the drink? Not what Clay had, although I enjoy those too. You will have to email me the recipe.

Sunny, we need to make promises to ourselves that this is the last year we watch this Webcast. Next year, I'm coming to Jax. It was just too hard to do this year since I just got back from S.F., which is beautiful city. Thanks for your advice on the trip Clay.
1693 posts
Dec 17, 2009
2:33 PM
TNC, the oatmeal cookie has four different liquors in it and that is it. I will have to find the recipe, I know that gold schlauger and maybe jagger are in it. They taste very much like an oatmeal cookie, but with a kick!!

I wish I could make a promise to hit the freebird on NYE, I hae to take the wait and see approach

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."

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