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Highlights from Knoxville
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66 posts
Oct 31, 2009
10:14 AM
OK...so the boys rocked the house...certainly no surprise. Most of the folks were Shooter fans with a small contingency of Mofro followers. There was a bit of skepticism at the outset from the Shooter fans...but of course the boys quickly made believers out of them :-)

The Set List:

Brighter Days (skipped this one)
Higher You Climb
A Woman
Ybor City
Ho Cake
Orange Blossoms
On Fire

A few Pics:




Dennis Close

Art Jammin





"If it beats all git out then do it again ..."

Last Edited by on Nov 01, 2009 7:11 AM
67 posts
Oct 31, 2009
10:16 AM
Oh...and the shoes :-)

JJ's Boots

Mrs. Sandman also took a bit of video. I'll post that this evening or tomorrow!

"If it beats all git out then do it again ..."
1477 posts
Oct 31, 2009
11:06 AM
Nice shots!! much better than mine, but I will be posting some pics and a full review in a bit.

can't wait for the Ho Cake vid!!

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
68 posts
Oct 31, 2009
11:09 AM
I'm uploading Ho Cake to Youtube at this very moment, but won't have time to post before I depart for Asheville. I'll post it as soon as I return!

"If it beats all git out then do it again ..."
875 posts
Oct 31, 2009
12:36 PM
GREAT shot of dennis ! its hard to get good ones of the horns cause they are in the back out of the light
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
876 posts
Oct 31, 2009
1:24 PM
thats pretty fuckin awesome sunny!!!!

thanks for sharing with us!

soo nice of you and generous to cook a spread for them, they must've enjoyed the heck out of it, sounds like it with their comments to you!!!

"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
877 posts
Oct 31, 2009
1:31 PM
oh and good for you overcoming your "fear" of talking to the guys especially jj, you look pretty comfy their in those oics, girlfriend!!
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
69 posts
Oct 31, 2009
7:34 PM
Here is the Ho Cake vid that Mrs. Sandman took. The quality of the video and sound is not that good, but I think it's still pretty damn cool :-)


"If it beats all git out then do it again ..."

Last Edited by on Oct 31, 2009 7:40 PM
1485 posts
Oct 31, 2009
8:41 PM
I love it at the end when the towel lands on Daryl's guitar as JJ is introducing him and they all just crack up!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
14 posts
Oct 31, 2009
8:51 PM
They really are having a blast up there!! It looks like JJ maybe got a new guitar strap for his birthday.
70 posts
Oct 31, 2009
8:52 PM
Yeah! They were havin' a good time, but weren't we all!

"If it beats all git out then do it again ..."
71 posts
Oct 31, 2009
8:58 PM
Sunshine and I noticed the new guitar strap too! Here is a kinda interesting pic of Daryl. Some funky thing happened with the exposure I guess.



"If it beats all git out then do it again ..."
2703 posts
Nov 05, 2009
5:52 PM
Nice work on the photos everybody. Wow...sounds like a great time had by all, including the guys. From the photos and descriptions it does sounds like the guys were having as much fun as ever!

Damn, sandman good work on the Ho Cake vid. All the solos were awesome BUT if y'all don't have time to watch anything else but Daryl's solo then don't miss it. He is hitting some nasty, funky licks that make you move your head without even knowing it. He's as animated as I've EVER seen. He actually lifted the guitar off his lap and pointed it toward JJ! As y'all know, with Daryl the guitar DOES NOT leave the leg. But it did!! He looks like he's having the time of his life up there.


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