51 posts
Oct 05, 2009
4:36 AM
I didn't really pay much attention to Earl Greyhound, other than when he came out to sing with Shooter. I didn't really care for Shooter, but his sound was bad.
JJ and the boys tore it up as usual. I don't remember much of the set list other than a Country Ghetto opener followed by Lochloosa and Junior for the encore closer. I remember Dennis coming to the front of the stage for a solo, which was nice because I could actually get some clear pics of him. All in all a great show as usual. I talked to JJ after the show and he said that Scone has not played the organ since he left the band. He said he was just enjoying his family in Florida. JJ did say that on this tour, he gets to go home alot to see his family. Here's a few pics.
Here's a few pics.
---------- Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
Last Edited by on Oct 05, 2009 8:41 AM
2 posts
Oct 05, 2009
7:36 AM
I asked Anthony Farrell for his set list after the show. We had met him earlier before the show while on our way to dinner. He was very nice considering I called him Andrew at first!
Country Ghetto Lochlossa Higher you Climb Circles Dirtfloorcracka' Everything Good I believe WYLF Ybor City Dew Drops Ho Cake Orange Blossoms On Fire **Break Brighter Days Junior
hhfan- your pics are awesome. I think you were just to the left of us by a few people (very interesting people!) The handcuffs were sitting next to Art's red cup for a long time and at some point Art tried hanging them off the end of Daryl's guitar. They fell and JJ picked them up a few songs later and hung them on his mic. I had FAR less to drink this go round and remember the whole show quite well. I like remembering the show!
4 posts
Oct 05, 2009
7:51 AM
Yup! No idea where they came from... Maybe he still has them. You can only hope. Oops and it was JJ's red cup , not Art's, Art was drinkin a beer. So maybe they really are JJ's.
2505 posts
Oct 05, 2009
8:59 AM
Great stuff y'all! Thanks for coming on and telling us about it! (Well...except for giggles and her handcuff thing. She's hopeless.) Thanks for the pics hh. You captured a nice array of moments from the show.
It's way cool how Dennis and Art are coming to the front of the stage during the encore now. It really amps things up another notch.
Glad you got to talk to JJ, hh. He's in a great mood these days. And with a 6 month old baby at home he has been trying to set a sched where he can get home more than usual. As for Scone, when I was talking to one of the guys when they were here 2 weeks ago he told me that Scone was working a "real" job. Before I could ask him about it, someone came up and we got distracted and I forgot to ask again.
kcarmony, have I welcomed you to the board? Where ARE my manners? Thanks for posting the setlist! And don't worry about calling Andrew by the wrong name. I've done it more than once to both of them. I've seen the band 8 times since they joined up and I finally started calling them by their right names by about the 5th. They tell me they're so used to it they just answer to either name. But considering AC also answers to Anthony, I've noticed that the other guys refer to the Greyhound guys as Trube and Ferrell. And as I'm sure you noticed, they are just as nice and fit right in with the other guys too.
(Ferrell is a little tough to talk to only because he's deaf, or nearly deaf, in one ear. So he has a hard time hearing you if you're talking into his bad ear. Other than that he's easy to talk to and very nice.)
As for the handcuffs, I'll leave them to you ladies and your JJ fantasies.
---------- MofroFan1
P.S. Fuckin Scooter
P.P.S. Setlist looking a little familiar?
2508 posts
Oct 05, 2009
9:21 AM
No. He looked at you like you're a freak because you're a freak.
---------- MofroFan1
(You set yourself up for that...)
802 posts
Oct 05, 2009
12:14 PM
haha art was tryin to hang the handcuffs of daryl's guitar? priceless i talked to farrell plenty, seems like he was hearing my 'alien talk' pretty well,but than who knows if he he was leaning in to hear what I was sayin or what ...hehe
thanks for the review guys, always enjoy reading those
too bad they didn't use those handcuffs on fuckin shooter ---------- "Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -Nietzsche
53 posts
Oct 06, 2009
4:53 AM
Thanks for the props on the pics. I wish Art and Dennis would come out more often so I can get some nicer pics. I always have to use a flash to get pics of them and I hate to do that to their eyes. Thanks for the setlist. I am def not going to drink that much at the lville show.
How does the setlist look familiar to you guys? ---------- Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
54 posts
Oct 06, 2009
5:07 AM
I also like how JJ is embracing being the front man a little more, coming out sans guitar for Lochloosa and then throwing it back on for his solo. His guitar skills have also greatly improved. They just keep getting better and better. Im stoked for the show tomorrow. ---------- Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
2512 posts
Oct 06, 2009
7:01 AM
I know what you mean about Art and Dennis. The lighting in their corner usually sucks. And they're usually set back further than the rest (except AC but the lighting center stage is always better.) A flash blows everything out and looks yuk. They're the hardest to shoot.
Yep, the trade-off for JJ not playing keys is definitely his stage presence. He's moving around on the stage, dancing his dance, and you're dead on about his guitar skills too. In just the last 2 or 3 years he has gotten even better and better...and it would seem much more comfortable with the instrument.
As for the setlist comment, there are some of us that have been commenting on the same songs being on the setlist for months now. Okay, okay, okay it's mostly ME that has been commenting on the similarity of the setlists. But I'm not the only one who's noticed for sure.
I talked to JJ about it when he was in town a couple weeks ago. I always hold back so I'm the last one to talk to him so everyone else has their chance. Then if he needs to go he don't have to stay and talk to dum ol me. While I was waiting I heard a couple others asking him basically the same thing that I then ended up asking him.
I think swkelly and Delerious Tyme have done an excellent job at taming my impatience by pointing out that Andrew and Anthony have to get up to speed. Indeed that's what JJ told me (and the others), and further said that during the summer they've had little practice or sound check time because they've been playing mostly fests. He assured us that the setlist will start to expand soon. (I put in a plug for 'Nare Sugar' and 'Air'.) They've just added 'Blackwater' and it had been MIA for quite some time.
Please don't take my little comments too seriously. I kid; I'm sarcastic and dry in person and it tends to creep into my writing! My intentions are to crack a smile or generate a laugh.
And on that note I want to take a moment out to thank each and every person on the board for their enthusiasm and manners. I personally think we've got one of the most well-mannered boards anywhere on the WWW. That makes me proud--not for anything that I've done--to know that people still can come together without a bunch a sniping and name-calling. While we all share a common interest, that doesn't mean much anymore. That's evident when you go to other boards and see the vitriole, name-calling and ugliness...even though they share a common interest too.
Nothing wrong with disagreeing. Just no need in attacking someone for it. Hell, disagree back but be nice! I'll never discourage a civil debate...that's not me!! I wish other boards would strive more for that.
Y'all are the best and it's all of you that has made this site, and will continue to make it, what it is.
---------- MofroFan1
Delerious Tyme
455 posts
Oct 06, 2009
7:26 AM
Well said Clay, but we all know you aren’t complaining about the set lists, just paying attention to the guys like we all do. Then again, it is pretty hard to not find repetition in the set lists when you have been to 16 shows in less than a year, maybe? Haha, just kidding with ya Clay, chalk that one up to jealousy. I’m still working on 16 shows over the past 4 years. I’m close, but over 20 shows a year? I can’t even fathom it. Ok, I can, but better not to think about it less I pack up, move to Florida and turn into the Homeless Mofro Fan after spending everything I own to follow the guys. Or maybe I would get lucky and catch on as the Tour Manager?
That reminds me, Adam, man, in my mind and honest opinion, you got the best job in the world. Not saying it is easy by any means, but the nature and benefits of it truly makes it my dream job. My boss asked me one day, “If I could have any job I wanted, what would I want to do?” Without hesitation, I said Mofro Tour Manager. He was surprised, not at the answer, but that I didn’t have to think about it, once he finished the question, I was spitting out the answer. I told Danny the same thing, but don’t know if I fit the mold. You two guys are both great guys for the band and awesome for the fans. Couldn’t ask for nicer, more considerate, or all around great guys than you two.
---------- Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
55 posts
Oct 06, 2009
7:38 AM
I understand that A & A need time to catch up. I would think being professional musicians, that they could just listen to the material, practice a few times during soundcheck and they'd be set. But I don't play an instrument so what do I know. I may try to write the setlist down tomorrow or nab one off the stage to see how much change there is between Indy and Lville. It's still a great time no matter what. ---------- Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
Delerious Tyme
456 posts
Oct 06, 2009
7:44 AM
With the set list conversation, we all agree it will take time due to the new additions and the guys having the time to practice them before adding them to the rotation. Not only that, but I think it is also a more timely process due to a few other things such as JJ's move away from the keys, bringing back the bass guitar after a long time of not having it, and that Farrell's and Scone's sound/tone are quite different. Before they can even start practicing, I would assume that it has to first go through the process of JJ finding out how he wants to arrange each song. It’s not like he can look at it as, we’ve played it this way in the past, because he’s not on the keys anymore and the other differences. Instead, he has to re-think each song, determine a bass score he wants from Andrew, and figure out what Farrell will add to the song before they start practicing and pumping out the songs to the rotation.
I think that with the songs that have been in the recent rotation, they have done that and you can tell by the new sound of the songs, changes from past live versions, and that they flat out rock those songs. The others they have played a few in recent past, but I would assume that they have not gone through the same process with those and thus do not play them live except for once in every blue moon until it does.
With that, hhfan, you asked JJ for The Truth, and with this conversation about the set lists, you would think that the likelihood of it being played would be low since it hasn’t been on a set list in quite some time. I will say that not long after the Greyhounds were added, the Dallas House of Blues show that I was lucky enough to make, they surprised both my girlfriend and I by playing The Truth. So, I wouldn’t definitely rule it out and hopefully add to your hope that it will be played by letting you know it has been played live before with the new lineup. That and JJ knowing that you asked for it, well, that can never hurt, from someone who knows first hand. The Truth has a lot of meaning and really hits home for JJ, sometimes I think that he limits playing certain songs like them for the very reasons they were written, they are so powerful and emotional, every time he plays them has to be the right time for him.
------------------ Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Last Edited by on Oct 06, 2009 7:47 AM
Delerious Tyme
457 posts
Oct 06, 2009
8:00 AM
I look back to when AC was added to the group and the timeframe it took for him to get situated. Back then, it wasn't a conversation about the set lists, but alot of people spoke up about how much George would be missed or how much the band's sound would change. I saw the AC's third show with the guys and while he was no where near up to speed as he is now, he sounded amazingly good considering the circumstances at the time. JJ was talking to him throughout that show calling out the timing and helping AC progress and get to where JJ wanted him to be. They are professionals and they can play together without practicing each and every song to some extent, but I think we need to remember that they are JJ's songs and I would assume he wants them to be played a certain way, sound a certain way, and he has every right to that being that they are his songs. I think the other guys, being who they are, understand that and abide by that. I play quite a few instruments and while I'm not a professional, I have sat in a couple of times with a band or two and there is nothing worse than someone playing along that completely takes over or drowns out the person or group that wrote/arranged the original song. Knowing all the guys, I would never expect them to do anything but look to JJ and play it the way he intends it to be or the way he wants it to be. I would think they all put in thier two cents and give JJ ideas and examples of what they would or can add to them, but ultimately it's up to JJ.
---------- Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Last Edited by on Oct 06, 2009 8:02 AM
1247 posts
Oct 06, 2009
8:43 AM
What nice words Mr. D!!! :o) Thank You!!
your comment, "I'm sarcastic and dry in person", well sum good lotion can relieve the dryness, sarcasm on the other hand, in my humble opinion, a great quality to have.
DT with your enthusiasm, you would make a great TM!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
1248 posts
Oct 06, 2009
8:45 AM
oh, and hhfan, I whole heartily agree with the lack of imbibing during a Mofro show. I barely have a drink or 2, ok Maayyybe 3, but I too want to be able to recollect everything, and I mean everything!!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
932 posts
Oct 08, 2009
6:01 PM
Okay, I am just now getting a chance to look at your pictures from the Vogue and all I have to say is THANK YOU hhfan!!
These two are my favorites! :p
Hair, handcuffs and harmonica OH MY!!

 ---------- Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
Last Edited by on Oct 08, 2009 6:04 PM
1263 posts
Oct 08, 2009
7:22 PM
scweeettt ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
810 posts
Oct 08, 2009
10:54 PM
love the black/white photo, it's awesome!
........................... ;)
---------- "Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -Nietzsche
61 posts
Oct 09, 2009
4:57 AM
Thanks for the kind words on the pics. I was flipping through the ones I took at the Lville show and they are far superior. I just need to edit them which can be time consuming. The stage was so well lit, I was amazed. ---------- Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
3 posts
Oct 09, 2009
5:10 AM
Great photos, great thread! They sure do have a lot of fun on stage these days!
1 post
Oct 12, 2009
4:40 PM
WOW!! Indy show was awesome. This was my first Mofro show and it was the best show I have ever seen! I was trying to go to the L-ville show and i could not get anyone to go with me. hhfan awesome pics and I dont think I was far from you. I had the chance to talk briefly with Trube, he did take time to take a pic with a girlfriend of mine, seems like a great guy. I will not miss any Indiana Mofro shows from now on!!
1305 posts
Oct 12, 2009
4:58 PM
ah ha...here is where you snuck in!! Welcome again!
:o) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
6 posts
Oct 12, 2009
6:54 PM
I know what you mean Woo! My husband has been trying to turn me into a 'concert chick' for 20 years, apparently it was never the right band. Now he can't stop me. He recently and lovingly referred to me as his lil mofro ho.
2571 posts
Oct 12, 2009
8:45 PM
lil mofro ho...that's great! LOL!! I do know what y'all mean. Who knew that one show can blow you away to the point that you start doing things outside of your "norm." (Excluding giggles; she doesn't have a norm.) But that's what this site is for, see. You get bit by the bug and people around you start to think you're becoming a bit weird, a little obsessive. Then you come on the board and are amongst those who understand. And of course we know the secret: WE'RE sane, THEY'RE crazy!
And a hearty welcome to Woo. Glad you discovered the band and glad you found the site. ---------- MofroFan1
941 posts
Oct 12, 2009
8:58 PM
Welcome Woo! Aw come on! I have a "norm". I can't help that sometimes my innocent enthusiam is sometimes mistakenly perceived as being.....ummm....slightly forward. ---------- Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
1307 posts
Oct 13, 2009
5:05 AM
And once again - thank you Mr. D for providing an outlet for our need to express what we think and feel and experience with these guys!
:o) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
9 posts
Oct 13, 2009
12:11 PM
Giggles, better to be slightly forward than slightly backward.
6 posts
Oct 13, 2009
2:21 PM
"he did take time to take a pic with a girlfriend of mine" Hey Woo, how many of em have ya got? ;-)
2574 posts
Oct 13, 2009
3:12 PM
Kcarmony and Helix, I see where y'all are fitting right in! Funny stuff (and I wondered the same thing about Woo; damn lucky guy!)
---------- MofroFan1
5 posts
Oct 13, 2009
5:58 PM
I just tried to post a pic of my "girlfriends"(and wife) from the show. I am not use to this forum format. So I didn't get it posted.
I went to the show with my wife and my buddy, his wife and another girl. The girls call themselves wives' number 1,2, and 3. ---------- When I was young you know I believed in Santa Claus, true love and freedom!
6 posts
Oct 13, 2009
5:59 PM
Oh ya! Thanks for the welcomes from everyone!! ---------- When I was young you know I believed in Santa Claus, true love and freedom!
2578 posts
Oct 13, 2009
6:30 PM
What format is the photo in? Have you uploaded it to something like Flickr or Webshots, etc? There should be an embed code. Holler and let me know and we'll get you fixed up. ---------- MofroFan1
2580 posts
Oct 13, 2009
6:43 PM
I was just thinking. If somebody is all excited about something and they come on and say Woo woo! You'll be going "what, what?" ---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Oct 13, 2009 6:44 PM
7 posts
Oct 13, 2009
6:45 PM
Well its on facebook. I thought I could just paste it over? I am by no means very good at moving pics but I thought I had it figured out. ---------- When I was young you know I believed in Santa Claus, true love and freedom!
2583 posts
Oct 13, 2009
8:54 PM
I can't find an embed code on Facebook. I can find the photo url but not an embed code. No prob, here's option B.
Way down at the bottom of the main msg board page are a couple codes for embedding to use when a provider doesn't give you one. It starts with < img src
(I'd give it to you here but when I try to the system tries to make a photo of the code.)
When you're on your Facebook photo that you want to use, scroll to the bottom and you'll see an http address (it'll look similar to this: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2030965&id=1331808295&l=a7c0a78e81) and copy it.
Using the code from the main page, take out code (starting with http (leaving the >) and replace it with your facebook code.
Let me know if this don't make any sense. I often don't make any sense. Even to myself.
---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Oct 13, 2009 9:00 PM
8 posts
Oct 14, 2009
5:52 PM

I think I figured it out! Here is my girlfriends! My wife is on the right and girl friends are on the left and middle. I will post more pics of that night here soon! ---------- When I was young you know I believed in Santa Claus, true love and freedom!
Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2009 5:56 PM
2591 posts
Oct 14, 2009
9:12 PM
All right Woo, yep you figgered it out. They look like a happy group! Pretty ladies too!! ---------- MofroFan1