2122 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:01 PM
Yep, Alligator Records is jumping into the vinyl fray. And they've included us as amongst the first to know! They've been working on it for a while, but they're planning on starting with a VINYL ONLY release for JJ Grey & Mofro.
This release called "The Choice Cuts" will hit the streets on November 3rd. (Yep, sorry you gotta wait that long!)
It’ll be 180g vinyl and feature 2 tracks from each of their four previous releases PLUS a solo, previously unavailable version* of Tupelo Honey "that’s absolutely brilliant" and carry a $19.98 list.
Side 1 Country Ghetto Lochloosa The Wrong Side The Sun Is Shining Down
Side 2 Orange Blossoms Jookhouse Brighter Days On Fire Tupelo Honey *

Stay tuned for more. And thank Alligator for treating us so kindly by giving us the advanced heads up.
---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Aug 07, 2009 8:04 PM
Delerious Tyme
353 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:06 PM
Wow, very cool Clay! Thanks for the info. You got yourself quite the connection to Alligator Records don't ya? Those guys are all class acts as well. Can't think of a better record label for our boys.
Keep em coming!
---------- Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
885 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:06 PM
OH MY MY MY!!!!!
.....and because I can be in a record album?? 180g vinyl.....
did I say WHOOP !! WHOOP !!
:o) :o) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
Last Edited by on Aug 07, 2009 8:45 PM
886 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:07 PM
How in the hell did you beat me DT!! how funny!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
887 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:09 PM
Giggles iff'n I had yer number, Ida called ya by now.... ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
888 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:11 PM
just imagine if I was on the steroids! hahahha! I am NOT excited......
:O) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2125 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:14 PM
Wow, you 2 are FAST! Yes Sunny, 180g vinyl is indeed the old fashioned record. It's a bit thicker. Here's some info on another forum about 180g vinyl. Here's another explanation that's a little shorter. I'm sure we have some audiophiles (which I am not) on here that can give us more.
---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Aug 07, 2009 8:17 PM
889 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:16 PM
can they be played on old players? I thinks Gregg may still have one......
I love the artwork!
now are these songs recently recorded just for this project?
I wonder how he decided on the songs to play...
---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2126 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:18 PM
JESUS someone take her coffee away from her!!
---------- MofroFan1
890 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:18 PM
did I say.....
WHOOP WHOOP & YEE HAW!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
891 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:19 PM
hahah...I had ONE cup this morning!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2127 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:20 PM
I'll assume that aside from the first question that the others are rhetorical. If not then keep asking questions and I'll keep answering with:
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
They are legit questions though!
---------- MofroFan1
892 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:20 PM
just been going going going going all day.... ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
893 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:21 PM
there is no caffine.........just feeling good..or I mean GREAT!! cuz I knows whats I's a getta fer my preesent!!
---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
Last Edited by on Aug 07, 2009 8:47 PM
894 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:22 PM
that.... and I am waiting for Gregg to get back with his Maw from the SC airport. her plane was delayed over 2 hrs from the ST Pete airport and I told him I would wait up and have a night cap with him ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2128 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:23 PM
I don't think they're recently recorded. I'm pretty sure they're the originally recorded versions.
---------- MofroFan1
895 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:26 PM
and just for the record (get it!!) if I drank coffee this late, I could not fall asleep... ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
896 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:29 PM
the "Tupelo Honey" isn't from the original recordings, but knowing what we M Effers (Mofro Fanatics for the newer folk) know about when and why & he sings that song will just make it that much more special! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
Last Edited by on Aug 07, 2009 8:29 PM
776 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:53 PM
I'm actually drinking coffee as we speak. I step away for a moment and the boards go C-R-A-Z-Y!
Now I have an excuse to replace the stylus on my turntable, there's just something rustic & raw about vinyl. I can not to get my hands on this album!! ---------- Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
897 posts
Aug 07, 2009
8:55 PM
decaf or high strung??!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
296 posts
Aug 07, 2009
9:02 PM
I dont even have a record player and I want one
---------- ~Music is what feelings sound like~
898 posts
Aug 07, 2009
9:06 PM
look on the bright side KimberlyLeath, only about 140-ish days til Christmas.... ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
297 posts
Aug 07, 2009
9:33 PM
even better....131 until my bday :)
---------- ~Music is what feelings sound like~
631 posts
Aug 09, 2009
10:15 PM
that's so cool. lots of bands are doin vinyls again, there's just something about that sound. guess the 80's sneaking up on us again, leggings , vinyls, lol ---------- "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
2144 posts
Aug 10, 2009
7:40 PM
FireFly you're showing that you haven't been on the planet for too many years. The 80s? THE 80s?? Uhhhh, we were listening to vinyl in the 60s and 70s because that was the only choice we had!!
Let's just hope nobody gets the brilliant idea to bring back 8-track tapes.
---------- MofroFan1
636 posts
Aug 10, 2009
8:25 PM
well if they do will you show me how to play 8-tracks? ---------- "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
2148 posts
Aug 10, 2009
8:40 PM
Gotta go to a flea market and if you're lucky you'll find somebody that might have a couple old 8 track players. I'll bet there's some on ebay.
---------- MofroFan1
786 posts
Aug 10, 2009
9:00 PM
The thing I miss most about vinyl albums is the cover artwork and liner notes. I can remember being a wee lassie and rifling through my mom's collection and reverently inspecting the artwork; Sticky Fingers, Boston, Cheap Thrills, The Wall, Dark Side of the Moon, Breakfast in America, Peter Gabriel 3, Aoxomoxoa, Houses of the Holy, London Calling, Who's Next, Aladdin Sane, Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.....the list goes on and on. My mom would often find me asleep admist piles of discarded albums. ---------- Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
Last Edited by on Aug 10, 2009 9:01 PM
2532 posts
Oct 08, 2009
11:02 AM
If you managed to get down this far in this thread then you've survived Sunshine's adrenaline attack and Giggles' walk down mammary lane above, and found your way to an update!
The vinyl record will become avail for sale starting with the show at the Fillmore in NYC on 10/22.
For those who may not have all the updated info on this, 8 of the songs are previously recorded--2 from each of their 4 CDs, plus Tupelo Honey. The Mofro newsletter describes it as "a solo, previously unavailable version of Tupelo Honey that's absolutely brilliant!"
I'm not sure what solo means. I read somewhere that JJ plays drums, guitar, bass, and I think keyboards on this Tupelo Honey. That would be awesome if it's the case. Unless I can remember where I saw that or any of y'all have seen more about it, I guess we'll have to wait a couple more weeks to find out! ---------- MofroFan1
60 posts
Oct 08, 2009
12:35 PM
You can also pre order it on Alligator records per merch guy. ---------- Could a little JJ and Mofro be a cure for cancer?
4 posts
Oct 08, 2009
12:47 PM
Too bad they didn't come out with a different album name...WSP released this less than 2 years ago. I'll probably still buy it.
1264 posts
Oct 08, 2009
7:24 PM
someone pleeze tell me how to contact merch guy or something.......I have to have one of those.......any clues given will be deeply appreciated!! :o) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
1265 posts
Oct 08, 2009
7:25 PM
oh.. and ha ha Mr.D!! ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2542 posts
Oct 08, 2009
9:12 PM
I found where I read about JJ playing all the instruments on Tupelo Honey. Delerious Tyme had scoped out an article with the info in it. Here it is
Giggles, no worries. I'll wait.
Sunny, deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Cleansing breaths. Ahhhhh...better, right? No worries hun, they ain't gonna run out that fast. I don't think Adam can take mail orders or hold merch or anything. It'd be pretty tough for him to do that.
Best bet would be to go to Alligator and pre-order it. Then you'll get one for sure, delivered right to your door with free shipping. OR wait until they come to the Peel. I really don't think he'll run out by then. But ask him this wknd at Greenville. Considering the quantity they're doing though, they should have enuf to last for people to get for Xmas presents.
Here's a link straight to the Alligator shopping cart for "Choice Cuts" ---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Oct 08, 2009 9:21 PM
2543 posts
Oct 08, 2009
9:22 PM
| that sucks. You're right. A little better research on the name woulda been called for.
---------- MofroFan1
1270 posts
Oct 09, 2009
5:25 AM
hey, Mr. D, that worked!! I will have to write that down and carry it around with me :o) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2547 posts
Oct 09, 2009
5:42 AM
That'll be 5 cents please. ---------- MofroFan1
1274 posts
Oct 09, 2009
6:00 AM
I will toss ya a nickel the next time we meet up!!
Aynd, I have placed my pre-order and can rest for now!!
:o) ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
1275 posts
Oct 09, 2009
6:57 AM
Ashley, I could have waited til the Peel, but why chance it, especially if there are only a small amount being made. ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2558 posts
Oct 11, 2009
5:30 PM
I got an email from JJ today regarding the discussion on "Choice Cuts" as the name for the record. He knows that's a title that's been used by many bands over the years, just like "best of" and "greatest hits." He said he doesn't research or worry about what others are doing. He came up with the title "The Choice Cuts" for a "best of" vinyl years ago. ---------- MofroFan1
2622 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:01 AM
Just in case anyone missed this on the other thread, word is that the vinyl will make it's intro at this show. And new belt buckles too. Don't forget...Santa's on his way! (But if he comes down my chimley I'ma onna shoot 'em in the ass.)
---------- MofroFan1
1369 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:06 AM
you gotta chimney in florida? ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2625 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:23 AM
And a farplace to go wif it. (Where'd you growed up? It's: 'chimley'). Shit, a large number of homes built here after 1980 have farplaces. We know people that use 'em a total of maybe 30 to 45 days over a 3-4 month period. We use ours a total of 0 times a year.
It's the carpetbaggers and yankees fault. Come invading down here and wanting shit in there houses like they had back home. Lucky we ain't got outdoor plumbing and a snow shovel in every garage.
---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Oct 21, 2009 10:27 AM
1372 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:26 AM
I grewed up is the frozen tundra..til I was 12 anyway ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
Last Edited by on Oct 21, 2009 10:26 AM
2626 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:30 AM
You growed up in the frozen tundra and ain't never heard 'chimley'? That's how my ex-father in law used to say it and he was from Ohio.
Hmmmmm...quick poll: who grew up somewhere where it was pronounced chimley? Or for that matter, who pronounces it chimley now? We'll get down to the origin of this pronunciation if it kills me. (And at my age, it might.) ---------- MofroFan1
2627 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:32 AM
Some people are saying "...why do have to get to the bottom of the origin of this?" Because we want to be reminded that Santa will come sliding down it soon and you better buy Mofro merch before they run out!
(How's that for bringing it back around?) ---------- MofroFan1
1373 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:42 AM
I ain't never heard of no chimley..........maybe cuz the frozen tundra is norther.... ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
1375 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:44 AM
the belt buckle is not on their, whaddit look like?? ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2629 posts
Oct 21, 2009
11:04 AM
Now you don't worry yor pretty lil head bout what it looks like. Just buy one! Or 2! ---------- MofroFan1
1376 posts
Oct 21, 2009
11:12 AM
I wheel, I wheel...........another silly question, cuz I have neever bought me a "buckle" before, do they fit all types of belts, mens and woomans? ---------- "If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."