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Brighter Days vid from da Peel
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1357 posts
Apr 02, 2009
8:15 AM
I'm gonna put this on the other thread too but this vid deserves its own thread. If for no other reason than it makes it easier for my man Delerious Tyme to find. This one's for you bud.

This was the opener at the Peel After 10 shows in 3 months I've become totally accustomed to JJ not having his keyboard. Part of it's because he has jumped head first into the role of lead guitar. These last 2 shows he was laying down some riffs that are off the charts. And there ain't nothing like a set starting with Brighter Days.

Be sure to hit the HQ button once the vid starts playing

"Giving Northerners unbuttered instant grits is an old remedy for getting rid of tourists."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on Apr 02, 2009 8:17 AM
334 posts
Apr 02, 2009
10:16 AM
This song just does things to me........
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
150 posts
Apr 02, 2009
2:22 PM
Just can't git enuff of that sweet stuff...........
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
Delerious Tyme
196 posts
Apr 02, 2009
3:38 PM
You are the man Clay, thank you for this.

I don't go to sleep at night without listening to Brighter Days and have been patiently waiting to hear this live. After 6 concerts, I am still patiently waiting, but the day will come. When it does, life will be complete.

Thanks again Clay.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
197 posts
Apr 02, 2009
3:45 PM
Also, I love the horns at the end. Seems like I walk around at work everyday humming or whistling that riff. Awesome...

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
152 posts
Apr 02, 2009
4:37 PM
How funny DT, I always start my day out listening to Brighter Days on the way to work........and now this
version is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
728 posts
Apr 02, 2009
8:36 PM
Love it. Thanks, Clay.
It's a Big Easy life.
1504 posts
Apr 29, 2009
6:00 PM
This is too good to be buried at the bottom of page 3.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
303 posts
Apr 29, 2009
6:15 PM
Goose bumps all over again!

This is why you, you are the webmeister.....for this alone, you rule. I can't believe that I do not view this more often.......I listen to "Brighter Days" performed at the Peel '09 every morning and for some reason, this version, speaks to me.......Thank you Mr. D for your dedication!!

From all us M*O*F*R*O fans and fanatics out there.....We Sa-luuuuuuute You!!
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."

Last Edited by on Apr 29, 2009 6:16 PM
1513 posts
Apr 29, 2009
8:51 PM
Ur a peach Sunshine.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
308 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:01 AM
...awe, golly gee ..shucks...thanks Mr. D :o)

"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
367 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:29 AM
Sunshine - now that's a cover I want to hear

For Those About To Rock - We Saluuuuute You!

Did someone say peaches? Lookout - I'm movin' to the country...

310 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:36 AM
only if it is a Mackinaw peach.......good only 2 weeks out of the year!! :o)
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
369 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:38 AM
gonna eat me a lotta peaches...

ok spill it - where, when and how much?

1520 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:40 AM
If'n you move any further out in the country you'll need a GPS to find your way home.

If you move any further out in the country you'll have to cut your goin-to-town shopping trips to twice a year.

If you move any further out in the country you'll need a pack mule to make it the last 2 miles to your house.

If you move any further out in the country you'll have to run generators cause the power company is schedule to come out sometime in 2023.

If you move any further out in the country you could go years without seeing another human bean.

If you move any further out in the country you'll have to send up your own satellite cause you won't be able to pick up nuthin on the existing ones.

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
1521 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:43 AM

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
311 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:49 AM
Nice Clay..........I shudda thought of a clip, damn!
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
312 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:50 AM
Gunner, they don't really exist......
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
370 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:51 AM
LOL Webbymeister!

If you move any further out into the country you'll start talkin like Nell

Oregon? Try some Gaffney SC peaches!

371 posts
Apr 30, 2009
6:57 AM
yeah I know Sunshine...next we'll be stealin a postal truck and cartin' empties to Michigan

314 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:10 AM
awe the humanity.....
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
1523 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:16 AM
If you move any further out in the country you'll make them hillbillies from Deliverance look like city slickers.

(Squeal like a pig!)

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
373 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:18 AM
If you move further out in the country the water tastes like shine

1525 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:19 AM
Only cause it is...

"As long as most men can still outrun most women, there's always hope for me."
~Lewis Grizzard
316 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:20 AM
looks like y'all needs to start a new thread......

damn, I ain't gittn to werk dun today......
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
375 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:23 AM
this could go on for quite awhile

if you move further out in the country...

318 posts
Apr 30, 2009
7:28 AM
I will be here til 3:30............
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."

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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.