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No Mas Tour...
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95 posts
Mar 15, 2009
9:38 PM
Hey everyone.. Just wanted to let everyone know that Boston was my last show as Tour Manager for JJ Grey & Mofro.. With the upcoming break and my return as Production Manager to Central Park SummerStage this summer it is a great time for me to stay home and gather myself before Summer. My experience and time with the band has been life changing.. I met the love of my life at a JJ Grey & Mofro show, have learned tons and have really enjoyed traveling and working with these guys for the past 2+ years.. Can't forget that they also have one of the greatest fan bases EVER and you guys have been a real pleasure to see at shows everywhere. I wish the band and everyone here the best and hopefully our paths will cross again someday. Cheers,
307 posts
Mar 15, 2009
10:03 PM
Danny, may Success, Happiness & Good Luck be with you always!

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue
217 posts
Mar 15, 2009
10:53 PM
You got friends in Tampa, Brother...
Let us know when you'll be around and the deal is done...


"All I can say is that there's a sweetness here, a Southern sweetness, that makes sweet music. . . . If I had to tell somebody who had never been to the South, who had never heard of soul music, what it was, I'd just have to tell him that it's music from the heart, from the pulse, from the innermost feeling. That's my soul; that's how I sing. And that's the South."

-- Al Green
51 posts
Mar 16, 2009
3:47 AM


224 posts
Mar 16, 2009
4:21 AM
Same in Orlando.

Thanks for all that you've done with the band & with us fans.
"throwin' pennies on the tracks and playin' in the rain...oblivious of the world around us that was going insane"
1229 posts
Mar 16, 2009
5:33 AM
You know how I feel.

We wish you the best in this new chapter of your life. Thanks for everything.
94 posts
Mar 16, 2009
5:56 AM
I wish you all the happiness and great success in all you do, yau are a hell of a TM!

By the way Danny, I was hoping to bring y'all some more BBQ for the Asheville show (sorry the beans were too hot for you in Nashville), who would I contact?
"The Golden Moment has arrived......"
96 posts
Mar 16, 2009
6:28 AM
alicia@madison-house.com will help ya. also write chris at monsters1969@yahoo.com but in all honesty w/o me out there to help 'coordinate' your best bet is just show up at Bus with BBQ in hand and give to first band or crew member you see. trust me, it will get eaten... spice it up and thanks! and thanks everyone, I'm lurker numero uno so ill be sure to still cyber smack anyone who gets out of line. cheers..
95 posts
Mar 16, 2009
6:31 AM
You're Great, Thanks Danny!
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
1231 posts
Mar 16, 2009
7:55 AM
So y'all, if you feel a pair of eyes watching you...no, it's not the money you could be saving with Geico. It's just Danny.

(Oh...and why am I not surprised that Chris has an email addy that starts with 'monsters'.)

218 posts
Mar 16, 2009
9:52 AM
"I always feel like...somebody's watchin' me." ~Rockwell

"All I can say is that there's a sweetness here, a Southern sweetness, that makes sweet music. . . . If I had to tell somebody who had never been to the South, who had never heard of soul music, what it was, I'd just have to tell him that it's music from the heart, from the pulse, from the innermost feeling. That's my soul; that's how I sing. And that's the South."

-- Al Green
250 posts
Mar 16, 2009
11:27 AM
Thanks for everything again Danny. You went to bat for us tapers many times over and I personally appreciate it. Thank you, and best of luck to you!
292 posts
Mar 16, 2009
11:38 AM
Congrats & Good luck Danny! Thanks so much for all you did for us, truly appreciate it and wish you the best!
679 posts
Mar 16, 2009
3:56 PM
Danny! You will be sorely missed. Thanks for everything. Glad you'll hang around the board and keep us in line from time to time. Be sure to hit us up when you're in New Orleans! ~Ashley

It's a Big Easy life.
246 posts
Mar 16, 2009
8:24 PM
Best wishes, Danny. If you ever make it back down to South Florida, give a shout.

any groove is reason to move

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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.