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[archive] 2009-01-03 Skippers Smokehouse
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165 posts
Jan 19, 2009
11:24 AM
show sounds dope. i would like to get sbd patch in the future myself.
188 posts
Jan 19, 2009
8:53 PM
This show has been on constant shuffle since I downloaded it:) As always a big hearty thanks to the tapers (in this case JD & skot) who feed my addiction, your dedication, time and efforts are greatly appreciated!!
everbody moving, everybody grooving, everybody lettin' it all get loose
162 posts
Jan 20, 2009
6:45 AM
Goddamn, this one smokes. The horns and organ SCREAM. This is what other recordings dream of being. 22 songs and 6 of 'em over 9 minutes, nice. We did Skipper's shows proud once again, ya'll! "Legendary around the Country" (trk-3) That oughta make ya smile.

Thanks Skot/Dude!


"Say what you will about the South, but you never hear of anyone wanting to retire to the North."
282 posts
Jan 20, 2009
4:45 PM
yeah I'm glad i changed my mind to catch the 2nd show also.I got home at 5.45am that morning, slept a few hours and than jumped on jamcruise, so basically I didn't get any sleep between that saturday until friday, crazy..
"..they outta outlaw airconditionin' in clubs, let mothafuckas sweat aaaall night looong .."
570 posts
Jan 23, 2009
7:09 PM
Ooooh, this sounds so good. JJ is right. Ya gotta see 'em at Skippers! Beautiful venue, lots of fun, great crowd! My ears are very happy! And by the way, JJ is so good on guitar.

Is it just me, or does each song cut off abruptly?

EDIT: It seems the archive is having an issue with this. I think if you download the songs, they are in their original, uncut state.

Fill your soul with music and joy.

Last Edited by on Jan 23, 2009 8:45 PM
223 posts
Jan 25, 2009
6:42 PM
Yes, Ash, the player does seem to be cutting the songs off. NO clue whats up with that. But as you noticed, the files are fine for download. I have an email in to the archive to find out whats up. Again, screwy ass site, but still happy we have it! Bugs or not!

EDIT: just got word back, its a known issue and they're working on it. In the meantime, if you wanna stream a show you should use the stream links in the upper LEFT, which will open the stream in a seperate player app (itunes, windows media, etc) but the songs should be complete.

Last Edited by on Jan 25, 2009 6:50 PM

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