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Whitehouse from Blackwater - Origin?
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1 post
Dec 22, 2008
3:26 PM
Does anyone know the origin of the title Whitehouse (track 7 from Blackwater)? I have deep roots in N Fla (Middleburg, Lake City, Gainesville, Green Cove Springs, etc) and my cousin Stephen was raised in Whitehouse, FL (west of Jax) and was wondering if there was a connection.
815 posts
Dec 22, 2008
4:14 PM
Hey RiverRat! Glad to have ya.

It is indeed the same Whitehouse. It's not too far from where JJ grew up/lives. I'm sure I'd screw up the origin of the song so I'm going to let someone more knowledgable than I. The board's a little slow cause of the holidays, but somebody'll have your answer soon I'm sure.

Don't be a stranger!

Only 5 days left until there will be no place in Florida safe from Mofro Madness
162 posts
Dec 22, 2008
4:57 PM
Yep, same Whitehouse. Deep Westside, but still part of Jax.

I don't know about the origin, but the song is pretty much self explanatory, JJ longing for the days of his youth, when life was much more simple...

"show me the way back to those days"
Delerious Tyme
110 posts
Dec 23, 2008
3:36 AM
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, and not being from anywhere near Florida, it is very possible I am, but from what I understand, JJ grew up in Whitehouse atleast for a part of his childhood and hence the song, along with the view of how everything was gone when he came back or engulfed by the City of Jacksonville. Whitehouse from what I understand was pretty rural back then but, is now, like so many other places, very urban, or suburban. That, along with just down the road to the west is Baldwin City where I Believe his Grandparents lived, and many other small towns references in On Palastine. Olustee, Glen St. Mary's, etc...

Anyone know about Lazy Fo' Acre? For some reason, I remember hearing that it was a street name? If so, where about in Florida is it? I'm assuming it's in Florida.
Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
40 posts
Dec 23, 2008
6:41 AM
WHITEHOUSE-BALDWIN AREA, I'm Heading West on the RR Track,(HWY.90)
Gonna stop by KD's Nite Limit
Juke House & have a cool
Suds & then go Eat A Country
Fried Steak at EVERYBODYS.
Then go Fishing at Lake
Palastine or Loochloosa.I
mite even Camp Out in the Grove.



Last Edited by on Dec 23, 2008 6:47 AM
2 posts
Dec 23, 2008
6:45 AM
Damn...connection made! Can't wait to talk about this with cousin Stephen. He's comin for a visit next week. He might even know JJ!
164 posts
Dec 23, 2008
7:44 AM
Yes DT, If I'm not mistaken, LFA is about Fouraker Road, also on the Westside of Jacksonville. Although Im not exactly sure what the slow lazy summer connection is. I would imagine, like Whitehouse, its memories of JJ growing up on the Westside. Im not absolutely certain but I've always assumed thats the road he's talking about, enough so that I snapped a pic of it a few years back...

Last Edited by on Dec 23, 2008 7:52 AM
165 posts
Dec 23, 2008
7:51 AM
another classic roadsign...

817 posts
Dec 23, 2008
8:20 AM
Great thread. Neat pics there skot. DT, good to hear from ya! Thought you had fallen off the face of the earth.

Only 4 days left until there will be no place in Florida safe from Mofro Madness
490 posts
Dec 23, 2008
10:34 AM
Am I mistaken? I remember hearing JJ proclaim that Daryl actually wrote Lazy Fo' Acre. True?
Life is full of temptation; it’s hard to be strong!
167 posts
Dec 23, 2008
11:10 AM
Daryl wrote the music, JJ the lyrics...
819 posts
Dec 23, 2008
12:07 PM
I concur with skot. Unless I'm thinking of another song, they wrote this when they went to London for their first record deal. (Without looking it up I'm guessing it was mid 90s.) They were longing for home and the song came together. Of course the record deal fell apart. But they met Fabrice. The rest is history.

Only 4 days left until there will be no place in Florida safe from Mofro Madness

Last Edited by on Dec 23, 2008 12:07 PM
96 posts
Dec 23, 2008
12:28 PM
Speaking of Fabgrease....he just uploaded some old Mofro pics to his myspace page.....check 'em out.

any groove is reason to move

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