I put a dvd together of the show but haven't put the video up anywhere. Damn hd died and I lost a lot of the software I used to do stuff so I have been slowly "reacquiring". :~) Hoping to be able to work on some of it tonight though. I will let you know when its up for checking out.
Last Edited by on Dec 16, 2008 9:41 AM
Get ahold of Skotdee on this board...as he has alot of experience with that stuff. ---------- "throwin' pennies on the tracks and playin' in the rain...oblivious of the world around us that was going insane"
Ok finally got the show from Horizon Records up on youtube. JJ told lots of good stories. I left all of them in the clips. I've got a hissing noise I haven't been able to get out yet. If anyone has any suggestions let me know! Enjoy!
Jumpin' Jehosaphat briggzz, were you sitting on stage? Wow! This is some truly incredible footage, thank you so very much for sharing it with us:) I love JJ's reaction when the cell phone rings during the prelude to Hurricane:) ---------- everbody moving, everybody grooving, everybody lettin' it all get loose
hahaha it's funny that was my friend Candice's phone. When he was talking to her I think she turned 10 shades of red. Ya we were the first ones to get there so we took the closest table. Good stuff!!! Now you can see why Dirtcracker was saying I was freaking out the whole time ;)
Haha:) Freakin' out? I didn't hear you hyperventilating or babbling, so you did damn good! If it had been me, I would've been twitching & sputtering:p JJ was very gracious about the whole phone incident, I loved how he assumed it was his phone and bashfully turned toward his belongings:) ---------- everbody moving, everybody grooving, everybody lettin' it all get loose
Last Edited by on Dec 21, 2008 8:38 PM
Ya he played it really cool. Oh and you couldn't hear me because I was just biting down on my own tongue to keep quiet haha. I have a few more videos uploading now from the Charlotte and Greenville shows. Mojo, Brighter Days, Lochloosa and A Woman are coming your way soon!
I revised the name of this thread cause I didn't want anyone to miss it. This is some really great stuff briggzz! You did a super job. Thanks for bringing it to us!!
---------- MofroFan1 Only 5 days left until there will be no...
JJ is the one that did all the hard work! Oh and my camera. These and the videos I took afterward at The Handlebar are the last things my camera ever laid her lenses on. I think the heat from that show killed my poor canon, she never powered up again. but hell, what a way to go out right?? Clay thanks again for this great outlet for us to share our experiences.
briggzz, I am sorry to hear about the passing of your camera. But I am sure it's the way she would've wanted to go, doing something she loved. ---------- everbody moving, everybody grooving, everybody lettin' it all get loose
Damn, everybody's having camera problems. Mine crapped out a month back, dirtcracker's went out on him, now yours. I've heard though that I've been just not too naughty and Santa's gonna bring me one.
And briggzz, it's my pleasure.
---------- MofroFan1 Only 5 days left until there will be...
Thanks for the perfect Christmas gift briggzz! The only thing that would have made it mo betta would have been a bow!! Merry Christmas!! ---------- "Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
Ok I have a couple more vids to put up. These are from the Charlotte / Greenville shows. I have a TON of little snipits but I only like to put up full songs.
Brighter Days:
I'll have a couple more to add tonight. Youtube is killing the quality but they are still watchable. I haven't been able to figure out how to upload in "HD" quality yet to them. Anyone know? Do the videos have to be encoded in h.264 or something?
You're spoiling us now for sure bz-man. skotdee has had the same problem with the HD; he's been trying to figure it out too. Maybe y'all have already talked.
---------- MofroFan1 Only 5 days left until there will be no place in Florida safe from Mofro Madness
Last Edited by on Dec 22, 2008 1:04 PM
I know the site vimeo.com allows HD videos. Maybe try that out next time? Thanks again for posting! ---------- Life is full of temptation; it’s hard to be strong!
Ok vimeo has much better video quality than youtube. Thanks for the tip Ash. I will be moving things there soon. Only issue is there is a 500 meg limit / week unless you pay subscription.
Actually my videos aren't shot in HD, but, youtube gives you a "watch in high quality" option if the video is rendered with at least 640x480px image size... Only thing is you have to watch it on youtube to get that option, ie: its not available on embedded players.
i got one from the Asheville show in 07 i know people would KILL to see. sucks i'm on dial up until friday evening. maybe i can take my card with me and try to upload it from another computer then. i'll keep you guys posted.
good thing the board is slow going due to Christmas.
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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.