Thank you Kimberly! I put this up on the site awhile back; it's buried about 2/3 down the news/updates page. I gotta put up a directory of stuff--I've been thinking about that lately.
This was one sick New Year's Eve. They played their hearts and souls out for about 2 1/2 hours.
The first 4 minutes you're hearing the same as we heard, house music in between the Inca Maya set and before MOFRO.(Move the bar to 4:00 to get right to the show.)
(There were no tapers there; this is also the only audio recording of the show that night.)
(If the player below doesn't work, try going to
For inquiring minds, at midnight the person doing the countdown is the owner of the Freebird, Judy Van Zant Jenness. She is Ronnie Van Zant's widow. (Everybody does know who Ronnie was right? At the risk of sounding condescending, founder of Lynyrd Skynyrd.) The midnight love includes JJ's wife, George's fiance', Adam's girlfriend, Art's wife, and some other people I don't know who they were. And we were close enough to get way too much silly string.
Thanks Clay. The link you posted (but not the embedded video) is working for me, but only after I set up a membership to the synclive site. Ah well, works for me.... ---------- No words can say....
It just won't play. It remains a black box of nothingness. I tried it on Firefox and IE. Nonetheless, it plays just fine on synclive after I join the club.
And what a party, I must say. This REALLY heightens the anticipation of the upcoming New Year's!! How many more days can I hold out?!?!?!
Countdown: 87 days til New Year's Eve.... (Just 86 days til the eve of NYE!!)
Was that you grabbing the mic and yelling "Brighter Days" at the end? Or was that you wearing the fun hat down near the front? Or are they one in the same? I'll have to watch some of it again to see. The "Brighter Days" rule-breaker cracked me up!
By the way, did ya notice this was my 200th post?! Good god--man! ---------- No words can say....
Last Edited by on Oct 04, 2008 10:36 PM
Wow, ya'll, it's a good thing we ain't giving a prize to the person with the highest number of posts. Antsy, I'm not sure if I'd be proud of that or not. Hmmmmmmm.
Not me grabbing the mic; funny yes, not my style though. "Fun hat" yes. The trophy wife is actually in front of me up against the stage. I'm trying to keep us both from getting squished.
---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Oct 04, 2008 11:27 PM
Thanks for the inside info there Clay- The Freebird name makes a bunch of sense considering the owner
And ansty- that’s trippy that you couldn’t view it…hmmm (don’t take this the wrong way but….you did push the play button right??) And I say start your damn 3 month countdown- the anticipation is half the fun! I am green with envy…
Shit- I’m at 51 posts… I have never-ever posted on any message board more than once or twice- and I monitor 5 boards daily. I’m a professional lurker-51 posts is an all time record for me.
Somethin’ about this board makes me want to jump right in though
The play button? What play button? Just kiddin'. Yes, I tried that. Not workin'. Whatevs. Kimberly, I am glad you are more than a lurker on this site. We need ya 'round here. As far as envy goes, don't get too green. I have a feelin' I'll bump into ya at a Mofro show one of these days!!
---------- No words can say....
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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.