468 posts
Oct 02, 2008
8:48 PM
This blog just came out tonight. Ladies, I think you're going to really like this. No, it's not a "calendar" shoot, in fact JJ has a clothing sponsor and that's what the shoot was for. Some really great shots by Rob Hawthorne, he also took some nice pics of the show the same night at Ogden Theater.
Rob Hawthorne Photography
---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on Oct 02, 2008 8:57 PM
49 posts
Oct 02, 2008
11:14 PM
Aint nothing wrong with those photos! :)
Thanks Clay
---------- ~Peace, Love & Mofro
Delerious Tyme
89 posts
Oct 03, 2008
7:24 AM
They have had the link to Southern Thread's website on the Mofro Site for quite some time. Since I can remember going to JJ loves thier clothes. I've hit up thier website many times. They have some quality, unique stuff. Check it out ya'll.
JJ had a doctors appointment where they looked at his pipes with a camera through his nose? Ouch! JJ going through everything to make sure he's able to produce for all his fans. Thanks JJ, hopefully the doc had all good news and you're quite alright.
---------- Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
90 posts
Oct 03, 2008
7:27 AM
I'm digging the pic with the glasses on and the backround behind him. Nice little look back at "Sweet Thang" Davis. Is he plotting his next move? Watch out "Tater"!!!!
---------- Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
201 posts
Oct 05, 2008
1:49 PM
One thing I love about JJ's style -- it reminds me of my papaw. He always wore Western button-up shirts and snakeskin or ostrich or alligator cowboy boots and an occasional cowboy hat and bolo tie. He died in 2004, but my mamaw is just now getting rid of his clothes. Keepin the memories alive....
---------- No words can say....