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21 posts
Sep 15, 2008
11:42 AM
I was wondering what shows any of you going to see next?

I will be at loki festival( oct 12th,My BIRTHDAY! ),the show in raleigh on oct 14th, since my sister lives there and after that I'm drivin up to new york to visits some friends which I will drag,with force if I have too, to the highline ballroom on oct 17th.

also I will be at the sarasota bluse festival(nov 1st) and than bear creek festival in nobember.

now I know ya'll gonna think I'm crazy or that I have money growin on a tree in my backyard but It all can be done if you spend your money wisely.

maybe I run into some of you 'mofros' at some of those shows...

....what you looking fo.....nananaa
35 posts
Sep 15, 2008
1:20 PM
I will be at highline ballroom in nyc on the 17th as well as Boston on the 25th...definitely plan on hitting up a show in florida when they get fl dates set up for december
...when that gal gets down, you can't help but stare, cuz that frame's lit smokin like a signal flare..she's on fire
371 posts
Sep 15, 2008
3:31 PM
We're going to make it to Bluesfest in Sarasota on Nov 1, and were going to Bear Creek but that's not going to work out. We're on vacation toward end of Oct and are seeing Galactic at the Orange Peel on Oct 22 in Asheville.

Rumor has it the boys will play a couple nights at the Freebird in Jax for New Year's, then the very next week hit a little Florida circuit--none of that is confirmed.
8 posts
Sep 16, 2008
5:43 AM
Well the Jax Beach is confirmed so hopefully the FL run is true too!
Matthew Brazier
10 posts
Sep 17, 2008
9:24 PM
planning on

Oct 1 - Lime Kiln
Oct 14 - Lincoln Theater
Oct 29 - Canal Club
Oct 30 - Neighborhood Theater

if the 14th doesn't work out (pending on if my friend can go or not) i may go to the show in Falls Church on the 15th instead.
383 posts
Sep 18, 2008
6:39 AM
DAMN dirtcracker! 4 times in one month...awesome. I wish I were you!!
11 posts
Sep 18, 2008
8:51 AM
i may squeeze in the Halloween show as well. i just gotta hope no more hurricanes come through the gulf
9 posts
Sep 18, 2008
10:09 AM
delray beach on december 27th, city limits seems to be getting alot of the Bamboo Room bands.

Last Edited by on Sep 18, 2008 10:09 AM
385 posts
Sep 18, 2008
10:35 AM
Hey axl that sounds good. Either it's of the same feel as the Bamboo Room or there's nowhere else in the Boca area for 'em to book, eh? I look forward to seeing it, but I'm still bummed about the Bamboo closing up. I wanted to ask Hollis, if you're down that way too maybe you can venture a guess for me: how far in advance do you think we ought to buy our tix?

24 posts
Sep 18, 2008
1:10 PM
dirtcracka,so I might see you at the show 14th?

nobody on this board from NYC???

hey clay I will spread the word about mofrofans when I'm in the city.
12 posts
Sep 18, 2008
3:37 PM
its very possible. their show at the Pour House back in February was my last show i saw of them. can't wait.
24 posts
Sep 23, 2008
9:53 AM
dirtcracker I'll see ya at Oct 30 - Neighborhood Theater

Wish I could catch the Halloween show but work is going to mess up my fun!
19 posts
Sep 23, 2008
1:57 PM
speaking of the show on Oct 30, i gotta contact my friends and make sure they're all still down.
13 posts
Sep 23, 2008
3:44 PM
Oct 10th- French Qtr Cafe (Statesboro)
Oct 11th- Variety Playhouse (ATL)
I'm gonna try to squeeze in the Sarasota Blues Fest, dunno we'll see.
Nov.14th-16th- Bear Creek
And definitely the New Years run!

Hope to see you guys! peace
415 posts
Sep 25, 2008
9:39 AM
Soulhound--Helen, GA, Oct 18

Galactic--The Peel, Asheville, Oct 23

Mofro--Sarasota Blues, Nov 1

(I know the first 2 ain't Mofro but I ain't going to nothing else.)

22 posts
Sep 25, 2008
10:07 AM
jealous you're going back to the Peel!
5 posts
Sep 25, 2008
11:24 AM
I'm a maybe for the following -

Falls Church, VA
Richmond, VA

Things have been beyond F'ed up for me this year and I just don't know what I can make or not make. I've had to spend alot of money on a gun recently cuz my neighbor's house was broken into and she was beaten, stabbed and rapped a few weeks ago. She's 78 years old 8-( This was only 4 houses away from where I live and I live alone now, so I'm terrified.

Turns out that the guy who did it (yes, the caught him) was living across the street from me in a renter flop-house. I would go over there all the time and complain to them about their loud music and trash in the yard. I also called their landlord (did no good cuz he was their cousin), the county sheriff and the county sanitation dept. Those people couldn't stand me cuz I was the only one on their ass all the time. My other neighbors are mostly elderly and were scared of em cuz they thought they were MS-13 and would get retaliated against. Well, call me crazy, but I don't let no-body push my little azz around. So anyways, at least they all moved out this year.

I've gone from anger, to sadness, to guilt (I thought that he meant to attack me, but went to the wrong house cuz her's looks just like mine) and have been totally traumatized. And on top of that, there have been two other shootings, a stabbing, multiple prowler incidents and an attempted rape all within the past two months. Most of this has been gang related (MS-13 vs 18th St).

Oh, and before you ask, yes, I did get handgun training and have shot 150 rounds with my new pistol. I now qualify for a concealed weapons permit, which I will be applying for soon. It's too sad for words what is happening all around me 8-( Maybe I need a MOFRO show or two now more than ever...
163 posts
Sep 25, 2008
11:39 AM
Good God, Mo, where do you live? But I understand if you don't want to say. Sorry to hear about all that. It sounds terrifying.

Edit: I see you are in the DC area. I lived in DC for 4 years and never felt quite that unsafe. I did get followed down a dark street one night by some guy who jumped out of the bushes and kept grabbing my ass as I fumbled for, and never found, my pepper spray in my purse. Luckily he ran off when I got to the doorstep of my apt. Not that I was glad he now knew where I lived!
No words can say....

Last Edited by on Sep 25, 2008 11:54 AM
7 posts
Sep 25, 2008
12:28 PM
6 posts
Sep 25, 2008
2:02 PM
Hey antsyashley! I'm out in NOVA. Here's the News 7 report:


I'm from here, born in PG, raised up in Fairfax and I have NEVER been this frightened. But my fam here gave me a new nickname - 40 Cal Mo. If I was a rapper I would SO go by that name 8-)

Thanks for your concern sista! Us women have GOT to stick together.

Peace and Luv,


40 Cal Mo
10 posts
Sep 30, 2008
10:27 AM

sorry for the delayed post about city limits. don't get on here as much as i'd like to. i have been to city limits since it was moved from the original spot, it is a place in the works (i.e., poor sound, high booze prices etc) although it was nice inside. seeing as though the Bamboo Room typically sold out, i would probally get ticket earlier.. i plan on being there and hitting the sarasota blues fest as well!

40 posts
Oct 01, 2008
4:42 AM
Pleasantly surprised this morning when I checked mofro.net, to find a solo gig for JJ the afternoon of the Boston show. So I have that sandwiched between NYC and Boston full shows.
...when that gal gets down, you can't help but stare, cuz that frame's lit smokin like a signal flare..she's on fire
34 posts
Oct 07, 2008
12:30 PM
so off I go.
maybe I run into some of you mofros at loki festival, raleigh and NYC!?

P.S. I'm ususally somewhere in front and middle of the stage
"...everything bad is good "

Last Edited by on Oct 07, 2008 12:56 PM
207 posts
Oct 08, 2008
2:23 PM
Is anyone going to see Widespread Panic in New Orleans for Halloween x 2 nights?? I got my tickets, but not 100% sure if I can make it.

No words can say....
2 posts
Oct 09, 2008
8:49 PM
Seeing the boys tomorrow night at the French Quarter.
Hoo-Ah! Driving down from the northside of Atl, then driving back up to see them again at the Variety. Can't wait! Will be the first time seeing Anthony with the band as well the first time since the new album came out. Thanks for posting the lyrics. I'll be the one singing my ass off out-of-tune and all.

34 posts
Oct 10, 2008
8:01 AM
The Guy's are moving out to
Ga.now, I was going with them,
JJ & I were planning a duo again,
with him singing OWL-TOE & ME ALSO.
but we must wait a while longer on
the Paperwork.

212 posts
Oct 11, 2008
12:41 AM
Clay, I have never seen Galactic before -- but guess what? The Halloween Widespread Panic shows in New Orleans are followed by midnight/1 am shows of Galactic at Tipitina's Uptown. I get to catch those fellas,too. Halloween, followed by Day of the Dead in NOLA. Am totally excited! This is quite the year, this 2008. Expect lots of interesting photos!

Tonight I got to see some good music at Enoch's -- a local bar with live music every night. Then I saw the LA Funk Brass Band at the Blue Monkey. They were so cool. Two sax players, two trumpeteers, and some raging guitar, bass, and drums! Jammin to the funk. Life is alllll right....

No words can say....
1 post
Oct 12, 2008
6:37 AM
Looking forward to the Highline Ballroom show on the 17th.
I saw them a while back in Brooklyn.Glad that they don't forget about us here in the Northeast!!
488 posts
Oct 12, 2008
7:03 PM
We're glad they don't forget about you either curtycut! Welcome to our little Mofro world tucked away in the cut on the internet. We look forward to you joining in here with all us Mofro wingnuts.

Let us know all about the show (you can sober up first though!)

2 posts
Oct 13, 2008
6:14 AM
Next Mofro show for me:

Saturday, Dec. 27
City Limits Live
Delray Beach, Fl

Hope to see some of you there.

36 posts
Oct 14, 2008
8:47 AM
dirtcracker, where do you live ? I'm at my sisters house in high point/winston-salem ,at the moment.maybe I can give you a ride?

Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2008 8:50 AM
495 posts
Oct 14, 2008
9:30 AM
FireFly...I've been so damn busy I forgot: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You're birthday was Sunday and I must have my head up my butt for missing it. Hope you're having a blast out there on one of your road trips again. And that your birthday was the best ever.

26 posts
Oct 14, 2008
11:10 AM
STAN!!! Long time no see bro, I'm gunna be at City Limits too! Can't wait to share a groove with ya.

My next shows will be Sarasota Blues Fest, then Bear Creek, then City Limitz, then NYE, then Skippers.

JJ...whatup with Orlando? Dontchya wanna play to another "ROWDY & READY" crowd!? hehehe...

"I went to London & I couldn't get a woman...but I saw a lady pushing a dog in a baby carriage"
37 posts
Oct 14, 2008
1:21 PM
thanks clay,
It actually was the best birthday in my 35 years of existence,because I think I'm finally getting where I want to be and belong.I got hired as festival staff but it meant I had to work lots os hours.it was alright ,the job came with an all access pass , i still got to see lots of music and by sunday afternoon I was dancing backstage. hey somebody handed me a big cup of moonshine,I respectfully drank half of it and shared the rest.but GODAMN, what is that stuff? how come I've been in this country for 13 years abd nobody told me about this? it comes in a mason jar, I'll tel ya ,the best shit is unlabeled,non-government controlled and NOT available at your local walmart.

so life is good,

I'm getting ready to drive to raleigh, somebody better have some moonshine there
2 posts
Oct 14, 2008
3:18 PM
Hey Firefly,we don't have moonshine but plenty of other expensive drinks you can buy here in NYC.See you @ the Highline on friday.
219 posts
Oct 14, 2008
6:13 PM
Wow, Firefly -- it sounds like you did indeed have a fantastic birthday. I can't imagine a better way to spend it. Glad you had a blast!

No words can say....
54 posts
Oct 15, 2008
8:41 AM
FireFly -

just saw that you asked me something...

i am actually in Staunton, VA but i was gonna be travelling Raleigh>SC>Raleigh this week for a road trip with a friend. she couldn't get off work and i ended up crashing my car and snapping an axle saturday night. so i'm out of duty on all counts this week.

thanks for the offer though!
6 posts
Oct 15, 2008
9:43 AM
John Dude......glad to see you are still alive and look forward to seeing you in Delray, my friend.....been WAY TOO LONG!!! Is Liz and her brother coming to, or just you?

Firefly.....you want some good 'shine, you need to talk to Hollis....his boyz up in Tennessee know how to cook up the 'shine!

44 posts
Oct 15, 2008
5:57 PM
to the boys that are coming out to the NYC show. How am I going to recognize ya'll ?
4 posts
Oct 15, 2008
6:32 PM
I will be the drunk dancing fool!!! lol
46 posts
Oct 15, 2008
6:40 PM
hahaha me too, I'm assuming your a guy? if you have a girlfriend that doesn't like it when crazy german girls dance with her man, leave her at home !!! lol

If your a girl, even better
48 posts
Oct 15, 2008
8:08 PM
I'll be in charlotte tomorrow for the wood brothers+grace potter.than I'm leaving for new york.
the boys swing around again to charlotte, hmmm maybe.are you going?
jj really gonna think i'm fuckin nuts cause he's sees me everywhere. hey jj, if you read this I'm not a crazy groupie, I love your music and I like the guys in your band. you guys are the real shit.
I'm a music gypsy.
61 posts
Oct 15, 2008
8:19 PM
yeah i plan on hitting up charlotte. i had set plans of doing that before all the car issues this past weekend. plsu some friends are suppose to be seeing them for the first time. so i can't pass on that deal.
52 posts
Oct 16, 2008
1:55 PM
hey junior and curty, are you hangin out after the show?
5 posts
Oct 16, 2008
3:38 PM
Hey Firefly- I do have to catch a LIRR train back to queens,but what are thinking? And Yes I will be solo with the girl being left behind!
11 posts
Oct 17, 2008
8:48 PM
Speaking of Hill Country Revue, I will be uploading (to www.archive.org) their 9/26/08 set when the opened for Mofro in Phoenix, Az at the Rhythm Room in the next day or so.....if anyone is interested.

Last Edited by on Oct 17, 2008 8:49 PM
35 posts
Oct 18, 2008
8:52 AM
So, after work yesterday I am sitting downtown at our favorite local bar and we are talking about how we haven't anybody REALLY good come to our local band joint, The Handlebar in a while. Pull up the calendar on my phone and what do I see newly added but:

" JJ Grey and Mofro November 19th "


So the calls to all the fans around here started and the excitement begins. I saw them first here back in 2006 without knowing who they were at all and I haven't stopped listening ever since. I'm still going to the Oct 30 show in Charlotte but it's just a little cooler when they are coming to your back yard.

Thanks for making this guys afternoon JJ and Company
55 posts
Oct 18, 2008
9:25 AM
curty,you ARE a DRUNK dancing fool. lol
but so was I .
I fucking love it, I just wish more people would groove. this way they wouldn't be pissed of when I bump into them,
but I don't give a shit.
I that shit doesn't wanna make you skake it , see a doctor !!!
7 posts
Oct 18, 2008
3:46 PM
Right back at you Firefly!! You gotta bogey down it make all your troubles go away.Vodka and Red Bull helps also! LOL
60 posts
Oct 19, 2008
2:30 AM
lol, yeah red bull and vodka is kinda disturbingly nasty, guess thats better than jaeger and redbull, you americans came up with that shit, i mean whatcha gonna do with all that energy?
i rather go with the whiskey, just a little bit gets you where ya wanna be at.

Last Edited by on Oct 19, 2008 7:22 AM

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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.