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***Official Mofro Tab/Chords***
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13 posts
Jul 11, 2008
7:08 AM
thats how i play all those songs on the piano.
only on TSIS, you can do half step bass fills on the way to the next note.
6 posts
Jul 11, 2008
10:53 AM
EARL! Thanks for getting those tabs posted for me bro! I knew if I sent them to you, then you would get them up here faster than I could. I'm glad you made it to Bloomington to see teh show with me! Even more so, I am super stoked that you are now a MOFRO fanatic like yours truly. Have a great one bro and I'll talk to ya later!
3 posts
Jul 17, 2008
5:44 AM
Good work here. Thanks to all involved.
A question or two:

The Sun Is Shining Down, I presume the chords outlined are played arpeggio. Is that right? Or are they just an intune chord progression?
I'm a beginner guitarist (of only a few months) and having trouble making it sound like it should. Any dropped tuning involved?

Also (Bbm) what does that equate to? B minor?

Last Edited by on Jul 17, 2008 5:45 AM
4 posts
Jul 17, 2008
6:25 AM
Grazel, I'm a beginning guitar player as well. Take a look at chordbook.com and go to the guitar chord section and you will find what you are looking for.
9 posts
Jul 17, 2008
11:41 AM
As soon as I find the time, I will tab out Mississippi, War, 6 ways, tragic, and everything good is bad.

Nice guitar story...I was at the Gibson Guitar Factory in Memphis, TN waiting in the shop there before my tour and some dude starting playing a very familiar tune, and because it was so out of context I couldnt place it but finally realized it was War. MOFRO fans are everywhere.

Keep tabbing, Keep Groovin
7 posts
Jul 18, 2008
10:02 AM
<> Whenever
you get the time please send those tabs out buddy! I would love to know those songs for sure!
1 post
Jul 21, 2008
2:43 PM
awesome. I can learn to play my geetar like JJ and Papa.
675 posts
Nov 26, 2008
7:48 AM
Just checking to see if anyone has worked out any more tabs/chords. We're getting 3-5 searches per day for tabs and/or chords (we're in the #1 Google spot). According to my web stats, most find this post; some stay for several minutes and some are gone in less than a minute--I'm assuming this latter group doesn't see what they're looking for.

To my knowledge, this is the only place they're going to find any, so I thought I'd check with y'all to see if there's anything new afloat.

93 posts
Nov 26, 2008
8:06 AM
i found a spot the other day that had near 30 songs tabbed.
i didnt bookmark it. whoops
63 posts
Nov 26, 2008
9:51 AM
I will try to please the masses and do some work with my guitar over the thanksgiving break.

Orange Blossoms...


If you can figure out the general rhythm of the song, you will hear it.

I will put as much detail in them as possible.

Everything good..., six ways, and War have a similiar position on the fretboard.

and thats how junior got his head put out
Delerious Tyme
109 posts
Nov 26, 2008
3:21 PM

I believe this is the site you may have been on:


There are 21 guitar/chord tabs to Mofro Music. I've been using it quite a bit to figure out alot on the keyboard. I have On Palastine, Blackwater, Everybody's all out on sheet music for piano. When I get the time, which is what's been standing in my way lately, I will try and post it on here or get it to Clay to post.

I almost have Brighter Day's done, just alot harder to get done with the less chords and more single notes. But I will get it one of these days. It's my favorite and I work on it everyday to say the least.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1015 posts
Jan 27, 2009
7:50 PM
Hey guys...I was digging back into old threads and just thought I'd bump this one up cause it was on page 6.
NC damned yankee
17 posts
Feb 20, 2009
10:57 AM
Everything Good is Bad: E, D, A
Everything Bad is Good: A, D, E

It goes like that for the most part... I'll keep listening to see if there are other changes.

Delerious Tyme
156 posts
Feb 20, 2009
3:22 PM
Thanks for the input Yankee, I'll try out those chords and see how they work. I had posted different ones on the other topic - mofro tabs. Check out what I have for EGIB and tell me what you think.

F - Eb - Bb and the reverse like you have with yours for the Everything Bad is Good - Bb - Eb - F.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
NC damned yankee
18 posts
Feb 21, 2009
6:37 AM

You are correct, I missed it by a half step. Thanks!

Delerious Tyme
158 posts
Feb 26, 2009
2:09 PM
No problem NC, thanks for the input. After tabbing all of these songs, I always appreciate it when someone has a correction or question on it so I can go back and make sure I have it correct. I remember tabbing out EGIB and thinking it was E, D, A, also until for some reason I decided to go a half step down and all of a sudden it sounded dead on. Alot of JJ's music is easy to tab that way by just finding the Root Key and just messing around with the I-IV-V and in EGIB case the I-III-V. Other than that, the transitions and solos are the only parts that vary from those chords.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1 post
Mar 19, 2009
9:44 PM
Did anyone ever find tabs or chords for "Missippi"? I can't find them anywhere and I can't really play by ear very well.
1245 posts
Mar 21, 2009
3:28 PM
Hey DT, yankee, junior, earl, et al. Sorry for the delay in getting back with you guys on all this. I've been busy, sick, pre-occupied, sick again, and going around in circles chasing my tail.

Also I've been wanting to go through all the proper channels to make sure that the powers that be are cool with what we're doing. Thank you to Delerious Tyme for working on things, and for asking Danny if it was all cool and to Danny for getting back with us. But since Danny is gone (but not forgotten!) I figured it would be best for me to get something from mgt. that I can put in a file.

It's gonna take some work for me to organize all these for you. I'm very glad to do it, I think it's gonna be much easier on all y'all to find things and it will be an awesome enhancement to the site. But I didn't want to put all that work in and then get some sort of cease and desist down the line.

Not that JJ would come after us or anything, but as y'all know there are copyright issues with tabs/chords that some artists/labels take more seriously than others.

So--my fault--I finally got around to going through the proper channels and I just got an email that said we could rock and roll (bad pun.) I've now got all the o-fficial approvals and such and JJ is cool with it all.

DT sent me a song a few weeks back for a trial post. I've now put it onto a page. Dew Drops tabs It seems to me that when I put it on the page it screwed up the spacing of the notes...but since I don't know jack on the subject I need y'all's input. Then DT and I will have to coordinate on how to get it to work.

I also set up a template of a main page for tabs. Take a look...is this how y'all see this working? Tabs/chords main page If there's another way, I'm all ears! As for when anyone has new ones to add, I think our best bet will be to have y'all email them to me, or I can set up a form...but I'll have to look into that further to see if it'll work.

Last Edited by on Mar 21, 2009 3:28 PM
Delerious Tyme
183 posts
Mar 23, 2009
9:17 AM

It's played in the key of G.

Then it uses the I-IV-V so you will transition or bridge with the C and D chords.

To play it exactly like JJ does, you need to know the pentatonic scale of G on the guitar. Mess around with that and you will find the right notes to play as you scale in the key of G.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
15 posts
Mar 23, 2009
11:46 AM
Here's a couple that I fart around with:

Eminor, D, Amin, Emin.

That Stormy Morning
Felt Like A Dream
He Told Me Things
That He Had Seen

Lazy fo:
I had to transpose it to E. Basically back and forth between E7 and A7, and the middle 'drop note' is a G.

Pray for Rain:
E7, G7, A7
This song sounds best using open E, then bar chords for the rest.

That Boy:
tricky rhythm, but that cool riff is all done with open a-major and e-major. I've never written out tabs, that's probably what it would take to do it justice, but the chorus is
that boy don't love you

He's Afraid of you

The part where the lyrics are "sugar wouldn't..." stays in E through the line, then goes back to the A/E riff.

All pretty simple chord progressions, but good freakin' luck making it sound as good as JJ.
16 posts
Mar 23, 2009
11:48 AM
OK - looking at the above post, I see that the server pushes the chords that I posteda above the lyrics to the far left, so unfortunately you can't count on that post for chord placement... sorry 'bout that
Delerious Tyme
184 posts
Mar 23, 2009
5:18 PM

I think you are off a step on the Pray for Rain. Drop down a full step to D - F - G. or D7 - F7 - G7. I'm pretty sure that is right since JJ uses a G harp on it. Try it and let me know what you think.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
185 posts
Mar 23, 2009
5:20 PM
You are right on the other three that you posted from what I can see. The On Palastine I have exactly note for note on the piano if anyone wants it, let me know. It's really simple, other than just playing the chords. Em - D - Am - Em

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1265 posts
Mar 23, 2009
9:16 PM
Whoo are you cats on a roll. Tox I was afraid of that. Same thing happens on the link I put above. I'm gonna try something different there first. Meanwhile DT sent me some others to try. I had bloody jury duty today, on top of everything else, so I'm playing catch-up again.

Don't forget there's like 2 more posts with tabs and chords on it.

Amongst all the things here I missed a new member. Welcome hollyperk716. Glad to have ya. I don't know nuthin about no tabs and no chords. But these folks on this thread have some serious fun with it, so you did the right thing...just holler out and somebody'll holler back.

1267 posts
Mar 23, 2009
9:48 PM
I messed with the tabs on this page Dew Drops tabs

I brought the text up a couple points and it lined everything up better. But I still had to go in and line up several of them. I'm concerned at what might happen if I'm a space off.

DT, try this on one of the text docs: set it up as one long line. Just put a # where you want the line to break. I'll email you on Tues and explain further. That may solve the problem (part of which it takes me a few minutes to go onto the page and re-space--if we were talking a couple pages here it wouldn't be a big deal but we're talking lots of pages.)


Last Edited by on Mar 23, 2009 9:50 PM
17 posts
Mar 24, 2009
3:59 AM
Right on about the key of PFR - I was going by ear/memory and although the progressions are correct, I again transposed to E7. I never played alongside the music, I (wrongly) assumed E 'cause the intro riff just sounded like it was played through open strings - probably tuned his geetar down to D.
Sorry 'bout that!
Delerious Tyme
186 posts
Mar 24, 2009
8:13 AM
Tox- No problem, anytime. I've been tabbing out all of the songs now for quite a while. Anytime someone comes up with something different, I welcome it. It makes me go back and make sure I had it right in the first place. Like with the song Whitehouse, I haven't posted the tabs to it because I've tried playing it with the album version and with a live version that they played at a concert I was at in Phoenix and it seems like they changed keys. So I've been playing along with it for quite some time now trying to figure out the best way to tab it. If you have any songs that you have tabbed out or are looking for some tabs to thier songs, let me know and I will give you what I have and you can play it on your own and see if it turns out right. So far I've been pretty lucky with my tabs that most of if not all of them come back with aprroval from the rest of the players on here, but I know I easily make mistakes, so the more we all have playing and tabbing, the more accurate we will be. Thanks again and welcome to the board. Always good to have another tabber/player on the board and you can't beat a Mofro Fan, they are the best.
Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
187 posts
Mar 24, 2009
8:19 AM

No problem, like I said in the email I sent you, I think the spacing is pretty close, closer than I thought it would be. We can mess around with it and try to get it the way we want it, but no worries on the timing of it. It will all come together when it does. Thanks for getting that all together, I think it looks great and will be a nice addition to the website as it grows. I think I know what you are talking about with you post as for the line breaks and all, I'll try that to and see how it works.

Also, I have all my tabs in word format and the spacing on them is exact, so I've just been transferring that into notepad for you to put on here. Let me know if you want the word docs as well. With the pop ups, is it very hard to make it pop up to a word document? Maybe that would be easier and not only that, but it would give those looking at it an easy way to print it out as well. Just a thought, but not sure on the html code and it's efficiency. Don't want you missing jury duty because you are working on code for tabs. Last thing we need it Clay in jail. Just kidding.. Thanks again Clay, you're the best.
Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."

Last Edited by on Mar 24, 2009 8:20 AM
1277 posts
Mar 24, 2009
10:41 AM
No worries on the jury duty. Didn't get picked. Must've been the drool and the crowing like a rooster. What they didn't know is that's normal for me!

Reading thru your post gave me an idea DT. If you PDF'd the word doc it would be an exact duplicate of it. Then, instead of the links on this page Tabs/chords main page going to another html page (like Dew Drops is set up) it would open a PDF in a new window. Eazy peazy. Prints just like you'll want too.

Any of y'all have Adobe Writer. I only have Reader. If not, I don't think it's that expensive if you wanted to all pitch in on it.

Lemmee know what y'all think of that.
Delerious Tyme
188 posts
Mar 24, 2009
2:13 PM

Coming thru once again, even better! I'm kicking myself for not thinking of that myself. It seems like everything we do at work our IT guy is like, turn it into PDF. I have all the resources to do that so I will get you a few here in a little bit and we can see how it works. Don't worry about buying writer. If anyone has something that they need turned into PDF for the website, let me know and we will exchange emails, send the document and I'll turn it into PDF, it's real simple.

Nice job again Clay, I'll send you an email here shortly with a few so you can see how it works.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
202 posts
Apr 11, 2009
12:46 PM
Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
206 posts
Apr 13, 2009
4:59 PM

I saw you got the links going, very cool, they all work great! I'll keep pumping them out as fast as I can. Won't take long and you will have everything, that is until JJ blesses us with more songs. Nice work, keep it up.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1414 posts
Apr 13, 2009
8:48 PM

YAY! We now have ONE page, with easy-to-print PDFs no less, with all the tabs and chords instead of them being spread across 4 threads.

Thanks to all of you for contributing your time and efforts. HUGE THANKS TO DELERIOUS TYME for setting up all the pages and doing a tremendous amount of work. Without him I couldn't have done it.

(OH...the new page also has a navigation bar over on the left.)

"I just want to make enough money to send my dog to school so he can learn to read."
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on Apr 16, 2009 8:05 PM
1430 posts
Apr 16, 2009
8:07 PM
Hey DT...don't forget that Danny said Art could provide charts if we want any. Let me know what y'all think. I can contact Art if you want me to.

"I just want to make enough money to send my dog to school so he can learn to read."
~Lewis Grizzard
Delerious Tyme
210 posts
Apr 17, 2009
9:07 AM
That would be great too, would definitely know whether or not I am any good at tabbing any of this stuff, but it's up to you. Main thing would be if Art had the time or want to provide them for us. I guess it's always worth a try.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
211 posts
Apr 17, 2009
9:13 AM
One thing I would love to have from Art are the horn charts he has for Brighter Days. I love the addition of the horns at the end of that song, not to mention being infatuated with the song itself, but the horns at the end make me wanna get up and dance everytime... Everyone I work with knows it because I whistle it practically non stop every day...

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1 post
May 08, 2009
7:41 PM
Hi y'all....i am new to this message board, but a HUGE fan of mofro! I've been searching all over the net for the piano sheet music for any mofro song I could find, especially brighter days! and i ran across all you wonderful people. i've tried to figure it out from the guitar tabs, but saw Delerious Tyme's post about having some of them already....any chance they will be posted to the "tabs and chords" page??
much love to the mofro family!
376 posts
May 08, 2009
7:53 PM
Welcome tbone! You have found thee best place on the net regarding JJ Grey & Mofro. And DT (delerious tyme) is a diehard for many reasons and his posts are proof. mofrofan1 (clay) would usually welcome you, but he is out tonite video taping KOW (AC's occasional band of sorts I think). There are many a folk on this board that retain lots o knowledge bout MOFRO, iffin you have the desire to pursue........Peace!!
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
434 posts
May 08, 2009
9:14 PM
Howdy tbone26, welcome!=) This very question has recently been asked and was answered here.

The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue

Last Edited by on May 08, 2009 9:15 PM
Delerious Tyme
228 posts
May 09, 2009
12:03 PM
Welcome to the site Tbone.

There is no sheet music for Brighter Days that I know of, but I do know how to play it note for note on the piano. As you can see, the tabs have taken up quite a bit of my time and I have not had the chance to put Brighter Days on actual sheet music. If I ever do, I don't think we would post it on here for the sake of the Band and JJ. It is his music and if anyone should benefit from having the sheet music to it, it should be him. We have talked to the Tour Manager about posting the tabs and charts, which he found to be ok. As for actual sheet music, that is another story. If you want, email me and when I get a chance, I will email you how to play it and get you started. Once you know the first couple of variations of the verses, it is all gravy from there. My email address is on the bottom of the tabs.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
2 posts
May 09, 2009
12:19 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome! I will definitley email you, DT....thanks for the info. And, I totally understand about not posting them on the web, JJ/mofro should most def be the ones to benefit!
Peace and love!
1578 posts
May 10, 2009
9:05 PM
Hey hey tbone26...welcome! I see Sunshine, giggles and Delerious Tyme have served as the welcoming committee in my absence. (Sniffle...I'm not needed anymore)

Glad you found us. Several fans have made contributions of their time and talents to this subject, probly the most DT, who's compiled everything and PDF'd them and I'll say again that I couldn't have done the tabs/chords page without him. I'm pretty proud of it--and I don't play; I don't even know what all that shit means!

Anyway...glad you're here. Great bunch of diverse people with a love of live music and a devotion to JJ Grey & Mofro here. And as giggles can attest an upgraded intranet search feature that I just added a couple weeks ago that does a pretty fine job.

gigs...did I just give any secrets away or did you want everybody to think that you went thru 29 pages--750 topics--to answer tbone's question? And if you did, and you have even MORE time to totally kill, figure out how many posts there have been since the site began. Ick, I always HATED algebra. But I guess if we have 750 topics that would be (750)(X) where X=# of posts. No, there's no prizes for figuring it out, sorry. (Well, we'll call you names like geek and loser and stuff...that'll be your prize!)


3 posts
May 13, 2009
7:31 AM
Thanks MofroFan! I appreicate it!

DT, I wasn't sure if I had the correct email for you...the only contact info I see on the tab page is for the webmaster, is that you?
Anyhow, here is my email (augustlove@peacemail.com) and whenever you get a chance to email me Brighter Days I would be forever grateful!
Delerious Tyme
230 posts
May 13, 2009
7:58 AM
I'm not the webmaster, that is MofroFan1, aka Clay, aka the creator of this wonderful site. My email is a the bottom of the tabs when you open them in PDF form. Either way, I emailed you already, check it out and respond and hopefully I can get you up and playing Brighter Days soon.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."

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I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.